Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Making an Assessment of Progress and Deciding Future Directions

Team. These were the design goals for our prototype. So far, we have completed seven of ten. It has been about nine weeks with four to eight hours of effort each week. This was originally estimated at 160 hours since some of the project was unfamiliar territory. It has proven easier than expected. The outstanding goals are listed below. Since it only creates a minor speedup, we might save the enhancement with the SAX Reader until the first development cycle. The first cycle should be rather short and will involve armor-plating our prototype instead of throwing it away and starting afresh. We will consider and discuss a discrete method for multidimensional  separation of concerns (SoC) when creating our life-cycle documentation. This method might be useful for your personal software process(PSP). Software engineering research has found that all developers have one. This approach to concern partitioning might simplify yours. We might have lost a few of the more novice JAVA developers along the way. This is unfortunate. Do not give up; Ask questions and the unclear topics will resolve themselves eventually. Speed is not critical. Remember the turtle won the race and did some sightseeing along the way!La-La.

Prototype Design Goals:

Week   Goal
0      Project Overview and Discussion
1      Create "Hello World"-style program which serves up internally stored XHTML
2      Create "Hello World"-style program which serves up externally stored XHTML
3      Create "Hello World"-style program which serves up externally stored XHTML
          whose file-name we extract from an XML file
4      Extend the prototype so a method populates the #STENCIL_REPLACEMENT_VARIABLE#s
          in the XHTML page.
5      Extract the name of the method which populates the stencil replacement from an XML file
6      Consider converting between DOM and SAX XML reader for efficiency and user control over
         data structure which hold application configuration parameters.
7      Improve exception handling. Do not simply throw exceptions upward.
8      Add contracts for enforcing "program-correctness" within controller.
9      Deploy this first iteration of the evolutionary model at java.net/projects/caboose
10     Create life-cycle documents for development of the production product based on reasoning
         from this prototype

Outstanding Design Goals:

Weeks: 6,9,10 plus the following.

A. Creating and Algebraic Specification of the CABOOSE Servlet Kernel.
B. Integrating with a single Hibernate "Hello World" Query [DONE]
C. Integrating with a single JAX-WS Web Service "Hello World" Query
D. Integrating with a single Restful Web Service "Hello World" Query
E. Create test cases for each of the requirements list in the life-cycle documents.

We likely will do these in the following order C, D, A, 10, E, 9, and 6.

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