Thursday, January 22, 2015

Free JAVA Textbooks

Team. One never really knows JAVA. First, it is constantly changing. Second, there are over thirty eight hundred objects in the standard edition (JSE) alone. And, each has numerous methods and properties. You could never memorize all of these and have them available for instant recall the way one memorizes addition or multiplication tables in elementary school. Every professional engineer worth his salt uses reference material. Anyone who says that he knows a language and does not need a language reference or programmer's guide is a foolish and ineffectual engineer. Every professional should learn at least one technical text in his discipline well. Beyond that, he should simply know how one navigates and acquires needed information from available resources. Below, a few text are listed which will be useful in mastering JAVA and that are freely available on-line.

This text is printed by Oracle Press and is designed for the beginner. Oracle corporation is the best source for information on JAVA since they are the current corporate custodians of the language.

First chapter of a book by Oracle Corporation

This text covers fundamental JAVA concepts and claims that one can learn JAVA by reading one lesson per day for twenty one days.

This text covers simpler JAVA concepts

This final text starts simply, but tries addressing some more advanced topics such as multithreading and graphical user interface programming with Swing classes. Each of these are more advanced topics that easily could be treated in an entire book by themselves.

This text covers simple and advanced concepts

We should have that draft specification for the CABOOSE kernel available in the morning. We have the pleasure of having visitors from a new region of the world:

أهلا وسهلا! نحن سعداء أنك هنا.

Automated translations are often flawed. So, please excuse any errors in this translation which should read: Welcome! We are glad that you are here.  We greatly appreciate your interest in this project.

Enjoy this day. La-La. 

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