Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Acronyms for JAX-WS and JAX-RS Explained.

Team. JAX-WS stands for the JAVA API for XML-based Web Services, and JAX-RS stands for the Java API for RESTful Web Services. An API is an application programming interface or library of functions (methods) which provide a way to interact with a system. A RESTful systems is one that supports Representational State Transfer. Finally, a web service is the provider portion of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) where its service consumer is a client such as a servlet, JSP, JSF, or JAVA class in a desktop application.

Since these web services work atop the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), they are inherently stateless. This means that the system's overall system state is not maintained between transactions much like traditional HTML pages without cookies or URL-rewriting. RESTful systems support mechanisms for maintaining system state. Upon reading more of the JEE 6 tutorial, we have found that JAX-WS is most commonly used for large web-services and JAX-RS for smaller services that might be an add-on for a larger system. Web Services are not our strength, but we will learn these concepts together as a team. Enjoy a day of endeavor, challenge, and success. La-La.

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