Friday, October 27, 2017

The CABOOSE shalt arrive; The Containers a Corrugated; An Engine drive

The CABOOSE shalt arrive with the canonical engineer in stripped grey overalls swinging a lighted lantern.

For a visualization enjoy! Every language has value, in the context of spoken human languages and the context-free grammars found among those in computing.

 Numerous web-history entries past, the mention of using various non-standard English terms in the area of modern computing. It simply suffers from a paucity of word for its primary concepts. This form of applied mathematics is relatively new. Having its first glimmers of theoretical work around1920. with the first electronic computer built circa 1932 by Atanasoff and Berry. This early computer could only calculate logarithms or certain trigonometric functions. It was not as flexible or powerful as the engineer's friend, the Hewlett-Packard 11C, programming stack machine that the author was blessed with, being the son of a physiology researcher.

And, the rapid grow of employment in computing did not occur until approximately 1965. In fact, some of the professors of computing in the early 1970s only had a bachelors and a few more had masters. A doctorate was not required for teaching at universities in this area. And, only recently has post-doctoral work been a means of partitioning the froth from the creme among computers.

This era in innovation is the equivalent of the stage in human history when men first began reliable mensuration techniques and began building. Concepts and creations such as keystones, cornerstones, shutters and latches amazed some and were the considered "secrets" of construction that many would fight for. This all seems silly now! And, the fight for many computing secrets these days are simply as silly.

A few years ago, about 1997, the author found himself working for a small businessman, who is absolutely clueless about computing. With the development of a small utility that could scour the web looking for "key-strings" such a electronic mail addresses and uniform resource locators, he and his half educated staff went "jerk-biszerk". It was a utility written in about forty-five minutes after searching the JAVA API reference. And, comparable "nuggets" of functionality can be found scattered all over the WWW, if one looks for them. They are not the same as Easter eggs, as numerous as they are. Ultimately, one finds on the NET, the very focus of their pursuits. Unfortunately, the result of a social label that "connotes" vulnerability and lessened credibility, the author found himself forced in a hospital setting. medicated until he forgot what could be found in a web-search taking less than the average "human-reaction" time, and restarting his work-life over once again.

The main message is this. These are the very early days of electronic computing. What might occur in 2050 or 3015 could astound beyond what we could conceive. So, do not get in deadly fights of what has "petty value".

As for CABOOSE, its development path is recorded in this history of months. It will be a great accomplishment among men, if they can manage controlling those "sinister" urges that arise within them.

And, for those with the Niagra flowing from the apartment above, the trifling, penny-any software company that was a sister organization for the "office cleaning service" for which the author worked in hopes of sharing the distinct number algorithm for off-line compression, the very one that kept adjusting his work schedule around his other better paying part-time assignment, and those who would fight over something as abundant as flint, such is possible if you simply type, "Mary Shaw, interpreter pattern, Software Engineering, command shells, tutorial samples in JAVA", and press the widget on the Google search page. At least, this is the starting point. Yet, unlike most of those who vex me, you would likely be intelligent enough that you would search further if your first try did not work.

In short, you would be the non-typical student.


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