Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Computing:The "Maggot-Tse Tse Fly" Metamorphosis

Another delusion of computing knowledge that this author will be recorded as "stealing" from some unknown or unrecorded source of Western Origin is as follows.  This view is the accumulation of experiences originating in the early 1970s.

Researchers at a few universities on the western coast of the America were looking for a method, whereby they might communicated between a pair of "modern" computers. These devices were not the current open architecture, which produced the alarming transition from paper, files, cabinets, and nanofiche in the early 1980s, when it was made available.

These machines, which were most likely built before 1968, definitely had differing "collating sequences" and the associated features that would make the "translation" between each's "most natural mode of speech" a technical equivalent of an Iron Man Triathlon.

The short documentary of the "state-wide" public television network stated the research group was planning on using the "radio-frequency" technologies used during the war in Vietnam that was still raging at that time so the device could connect.

Eventually, these researchers chose the "wired" telephone network, as the most intuitive choice for a communication medium. During the early 1970s, American Telephone and Telegraph had total control of this network in the public business and consumer markets. They were responsible for ensuring the "critical" features of its performance. It had gradually grown from the early days of switch-board operators, shared lines in small neighborhoods, and the "technologies" of the late 1800s and early 1900s, including direct current power transmission. Alternating current was a revolution in effective and efficient energy transmission that many simply believe has always been part of the modern energy grid. AT&T and excellence were almost synonymous in terms of reliable products, quality research, and resilient communication services.

So, from the limited view of an early researcher in "electronic computer communication over a physical medium forming a network", this plain old telephone switched network seemed as solid, secure, and steady as the current facility at NORAD nestled in the side of the Rocky Mountains.

Yet, political forces, business interest, and consumer pressure, resulted in a reorganization of Bell Telephone and Telegraph. It promised better rates for consumers, large profits for entrepreneurs who could establish companies such as MCI, SPRINT, QWest, Centurylink, Excel, plus numerous regional and local companies providing communication services, such as cable companies with their "private" networks.

The lure of greater profits!

Some of the central offices in this city have flown at least four corporate badges since the days of my youth! And, many subsidiaries have placed their "proprietary equipment" between the "demarcation point" set by the primary organization control the local or regional network.

In all honesty, AT&T did not have a "perfect" network. But, it was reasonably consistent and the nature of it was "well-known" for those who were responsible for keeping it in a "service-able condition". And, for those who worked during the "computing boom" in those "data processing" days, when clerks became "virtual millionaires" and the keystone of corporate solvency, documentation was an "after-thought". The "fanciful wish" of "an academic" who did not know the "real world" of "data processing" documentation was. What was the mantra of that era, "well-written  program listings" are "self-documenting". We will not talk about the occasional "runnable" present in some corporate processing environments that do have any associated program listings or documentation.

Being bright, accomplished, and capable of reasoning, you can draw the conclusions.

The current telephony network, a patch-work of undocumented junction-boxes in older portions of the city, equipment placed beyond the historical demarcation-point by communication service providers and hobbyist, the various non-wired technologies that allow for making connections between internet protocol address and telephony network addresses, the improper migration from old addressing standards and new, and the hapless, headlong, and tragically humorous flight of human nature that says, "if the client accepts the deliverable, it functions reasonably, and payment arrives, the future liabilities beyond my the end of the warranty which we granted is none of my concern or problem"

This a heuristic in telephony and computing history. How does one set-up a secondary "loop" near a modern central office? How does one know when the local "loco" lo-pro communications services providers has sent a test signal? How many "monkey-shines" will one generate from the "shenanigans" caused by dialing based upon older standards for long-distance and local phone numbers, plus city services, including the operator? Is that "0", "[AREA CODE]+0", "1+0", "1+[AREA CODE]+0"? And, have some fun calling older "retired" or "recycled" numbers, especially in cities that have numerous area codes since the millennium, and had only one during those "Golden Days" of AT&T. Can one call a pair or "411-4111"s in differing area code in the same city by calling 411-4111 via one medium WWW, wireless, or alternate vendor junction box with a central loop built outside a central office?

The funniest aspect of this insight stems from the hilarities arising from being "the braindead, mindless, stupid idiot of an imbecile with a single thread of intellect functioning that this author has been deemed by professionals who are beyond question and reproach."

While providing basic technical training services at a local utility company during the Spring of 2011, this author was given on of Murach's text of computing. The language used within the work is incredibly simplistic, composed of extremely limited English vocabulary seasoned with a few technical terms, such as upload and download. Might the author get a "transfer", a "file transfer", might we 'transfer a file, archive, installer, image, or thingy from one's desktop, work-space, directory, folder and place it in the cloud, on the web, deep in this well-charted zone of hyperspace  known as our corporate intranet". Yet, the funniest phenomena occurred. Many old and familiar faces from computing environments in this Metroplex, where the author was as welcome as the Bubonic Plague were smiling grinning and quite welcoming. It should have been apparent, based upon my kind reception when entering the office space: the quiet, friendliness, and pleasant reception. The reassuring and confident "we know you can do this...this should be quite easy for you!" was the first sign of trouble. Among the crowd, maybe one person could be deemed trustworthy. And, before the end of this short tour of duty, the corporate culture nearly drove her out of the office.

But, the most ridiculous and silly sounds were heard as the lessons were being conducted. The corporate contact said that the PPTX slides and other training material should be read "verbatim" without deviating. My assessment of the technical difficulty of Murach's text versus the developer resources at Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, and such, that any marginally accomplished computing student can use, not considering a "professional" with years of experiences on differing platforms with various languages can master in short order, resulted in me suggesting that they simply make the training laboratory and learning materials available each Friday, for the staff. They sould not have any problem learning as a team, if they can successful work as a team. And, most could easily master such concepts on their own.

But, the silly twittering of the blue bird of "intellectual egoism" was heard in the hallway while speaking. It was annoying when first detected; it is source of more mirth and merriment in recent days! As a singer leads a choir, a quartet of "geniuses" would speak the next term. Being that most Americans are so poorly versed in the empirical nature of science and proof, including those with degrees in computing, it satisfied their "infantile understanding" of whether I was under the control of their speech. As I began deviating from the text, scanning the written words in a non-linear sequence, and using non-obvious synonyms for the contents, they became somewhat more pronounced and louder.

Look, if this makes the local software engineering community or portion of the city who cannot accept that "crazy me" might be capable of any portion of a "minor" contribution in computing rest well and enjoy a great chest swell, they can consider this issue settled. For the record, I am incapable of work in computing, mathematics, the sciences, or any discipline beyond what these great minds who sculpted the were fibers of this modern marvel of communication from the silicates found beneath the subduction plates in the sea. I am a moron mired in the mindlessness with miniature moments minute mumbling. The overwhelming power of their ominous intellect has provided me with each and every thought and insight that has trickled through the vast emptiness of that cavernous void, that I dare call my own reasoning.

Yet, seen that I am a mere dense beast that can be controlled with command stemming from men. How did the stray loop get set near that old Central Office with the Ma Bell logo on it. How was it done? What equipment was used? It was quite interesting seeing the slew of telephony technicians at nearly every patch panel in the neighborhood. The puzzled looks? The frustrated looks? Hey fellows, enjoy the contractor wages; milk the assignment for all it is worth! Overtime is grand at $30/hour for average Joes. Do not rush. Hunt! Peck! Think!

Look, "moron-me" could not help myself. It was proven that I am completely controlled by the local crew of "unquestionable,lettered" professionals. This settles the issues and dare I say ejaculations and exclamations about work which someone such as me could never accomplish in any form, shape, or fashion. A"professional" told me before that fictitious Spring semester at Vanderbilt in 1989 that I would never finish college and was cognitively impaired. And, the manifestation of this condition would only worsen. Look, why would someone such as me argue? I am not bright enough, and if I did, the doctor likely made me argue with him, considering his superior mind and reasoning ability. Why he took advantage of this feeble minded moron? It is beyond my understanding? Many mysteries I simply do not question. They are so high that my pin-head spins when I dare gaze up at them.

And, when I say fictitious Spring. I am quite sincere: object-orientation, programming by contract, JAVA, wha! I called Vanderbilt and spoke with their campus police office, leaving this message...Your campus can erase any academic record which it has of me. Three A and a couple of A minuses is quite an insignificant accomplishment at any American university, based upon the academic standards maintained, plus some great mind from the gaggle of honor students who followed me from my old high-school were likely placing subliminal suggestion in my mind during my sleeping hours so I would repeat them like some parrot during daytime classes.

I have never been capable of thought or reason.

So with the numerous, blunders of this past couple of decades, it could not be me, some great mind must be controlling me...The central office loop, not quite at the central was not was the crew up stairs running water all night and waking me up...the was who replied, "Yes, I hear a 'schwing-chime' !" And, of course those computing gurus knew how it should be handled. They told me that I should promptly remove it after they hanging up on technical support! And, I could not form enough momentum of self-motivated thought that I could reason or do otherwise! Look, if I cannot successfully work in software engineering or computing with a pair of graduate degree, as the unquestionable, lettered professionals in this community have deemed, I definitely am not capable of causing a attoseconds worth of disruption in the old POTS. I have never taken any course in networking and communications. And, reading comprehension, plus the learning that arises is simply an impossibility for me, unless someone, such as the genius at Baylor Medical Center whom I met in the Fall of 1988, permits and commands by exerting his grandiose intellectual power at an immeasurable distance. So, call him and complain. I did not do it. I am not capable!

As for, the other notes in this collection of ideas from the decade before the millennium
, they simply could not have originated with me. If smoothing random time series was found! It was someone other than myself! It support of the solution of a wide class of Diophantine equations and other problems in the class of optimization was found! It was not me.

Here is a classic ploy used by shiftless, untrustworthy Negroes hoping that they can dupe, honest, good, upstanding White citizens in America..."You know...this White man stopped me the other day and said, "Boy, you know what! I was just thinking about an idea...[Then the shiftless among us sell you some idea, and say]...Man, I do not know why White folks tell all their business, if I could get a business loan in this town and had some connections, I would make a fortune with some of the things White folks be telling me!"

...Mammon is more enticing than a Milkbone! not be led off a cliff....last warning!

Dogs will stop and turn around, if the cannot see clearly...

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