Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kick' Em In the Biscuits - 156M ($US) - For Those of the Lowest Common Denominator

Math Challenge class of the late 1970s brought about an observation while learning about the Highest Common Factor (HCF). This insight that a series of letters, grouped in unique sequences on a chalkboard such as sentences, mapped with a set of primitive whole numbers, could be "sifted" producing lists of common components betwixt that corresponding sentences. Well,



A - 3
B - 5
C - 7
D - 9
E - 11



Visual inspection of the letters shows that AD are the common alphabets.
Multiplying the expressions below "forms" and then finding the Highest Common Factor produces
twenty-seven or "3*9". So, using mathematics lets a computer perform the same task a human would with visual inspection.

My instructor, as with all mathematicians, likely structured a thought problem based upon this. This was a simple fundamental fact, HCF, learned by most third of fourth graders in my tax district of this public schools system in the 1970s. This class of problems has numerous manifestations. One is the planar Kn problem found in Graph Theory. It is also called the clique, complete, or komplaet graph problem. It only is a thought problem for those students of mathematics whom enjoy working on the mathematical equivalent of a 12-piece jigsaw puzzle with a rendering of a kaleidoscope on it.

It looks complicated, but is so incredibly "simple-in-design" that it is "solve-able" by children who can see past the confusion. Such problems where called "heuristics" in dictionaries from the mid-1960. The definition is somewhat different, based upon usage, these days. Much like, that favorite example that this author always relies on, which is the term, "rationalization". A word, that was defined as "reasoning with the correct logical rules and deducing an acceptable conclusion from reasonable premises.", during the early 1900s, this day connotes "dreaming up some answer that fits one's own peculiar personal preferences, gross immaturity, and fragile, silly, and childish emotions."

The level of overlap that arises when finding multidimensional complete sub-graphs within a planar graph might be size-able. With the introduction of non-planarity and non-simplicity, this grows by bound and leaps, which branching cannot contain. Yet, the proper algorithm, designed correctly, via Manna and Meyer, can produce a Halt-able result, if these sub-cliques are present, although a mental girdle might burst! Albeit, the definition of any mathematical object is infinitely extensible on the eastern side of the Atlantic, extendable among those in the States, and an matter of the obvious world-wide.

It has been rumored by some that a solution for this problem is not obtainable. Well, that might motive students, with that "vein of anti-social behavior" found among nearly every modern college student, so they spend time outside class searching for a solution. What is the original definition of heuristic?

In terms of "Highest Common Factor", life has taught that one and only One exist, although it might have numerous positives facets. Memories of that classroom with the teacher and a single solitary student with whom the author was "pitted" in a intellectual competition, that would determine rankings between "representative samples" of the student population during the early days of integration. Before the conclusion of the lesson, the term HCF, which was correlating in my those with the notion of a Creator, became GCF, Greatest Common Factor, it seemed the the author's classmate and him thought in unison, while in this battle of mathematical learning, "We are all human!" and, finally, before the placement of chalk in a silver tray along with a grey eraser, the teacher was calling this concept the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD), which she told us was the HCF only forty-five minutes earlier, and we concluded was the GCF, and with a seeming shared cognition, the author's competitor and himself concluded that the battle in the world of America's adult was, primarily, about intellect and wealth. Call a sense, not necessarily common, but one that a old blue hound could feel.

The author's intuition tells him that such might have been the topic of a "show-and-tell" report. It is a very sad and highly noticeable fact, when students present work that simply could not be their own. While teaching, the author has seen numerous reused works, occasionally, well-revised, when students who had "help" from another teacher. Stop! Pause! Did the ideas clique?

The author taught one class at a community college that art of a rewrite, not a blatant plagiarism. One that would not be detected by the "Turn-it-In"; however, under the strict regulations of "plagiarism" would be such. Forgive this next statement, yet, being nearly half a century old, and seeing the non-stop dysfunction in academics, the author can only conclude what he has heard his numerous "colleagues" say about their classes, students are so incredibly stupid that most do not master the art of "academic dishonesty", although they have attended school for over twelve years. And, considering that many of my "American colleagues" might have been the same as those they called "stupid", the author can only wonder what demeaning statements were made about him, when was not around.

And, rewriting is quite a valuable skill, and with the theatre screen within everyone's mind, original works a pitter-patter beyond a "wise copycat".

Now, Monsieur Tidwell,

Here is your assignment. Apply the same rigorous effort which made you a great media darling, endorsement king, and a number on a ring of fame.

All of the answer are not in the following. Yet, if you have put in the reps, performed the drills, and not betrayed yourself,  a solution is a flexed and finessed move away from spinning around a much larger, powerful, and faster opponent. Can you snag a screen for a one hundred and three yard scamper. That is an outlier of a statistic.

With this said,

Form a random stream of numbers between one and ninety-nine.....

Form a corresponding stream of the first streams synthetic of theoretical average (1+99) * 0.5 or 50.

C++ class, circa, the Fall of 2000, do you know see the "hidden" rational in (low+high)*0.5. It is one of the many rough estimates of a mean. In fact, it could be considered a "perfect,theoretical" measurement of such, when describing a "perfect" sub-sequence of random values.

Take a complete moving average of the first stream.

Take a complete moving average of the second stream.

Then apply that simply rule learnt in early, elementary science classes.

Theoretical Stream minus Actual Stream  = Measured Error

This results is  "rough" yet "very smooth" description of those characteristics of seasonality, shock, and the intermediary effects described by the ARIMA model, and its various flavors. With some "well-coded" optimization routine, possibly, an implementation of the S-cubed, statistical search method, also called the Miller-Kovarik Method, augmented by Sharpe's Imbalance for addressing certain ration expressions, one might become a successful forecastor!

Yet, what is the worth of a windfall of wealth. It will bring "friends" whom you wish you had never met! Temptations that might leave one with the worst addictions. Only so, those "fairweather friends" who blows in one's life with the every new dollar, paycheck, or potential for profit, can exert some
control over the bounty which you might have gained. Trust me! The potential for a Div-I athletic scholarship, outspoken inventiveness, honorable-mention in many national high-school science competitions, and the type of American Greed that the producers of the cable series with the same name would "blush" at portraying in the limelight hours of closed circuit programming. Egad! I got!

And, the great businessmen within American who have graduated from the finest institutions, along with the last ten generations of their families, plus high a management staff from the same, have never been wise enough that they would "stick the whole darn thang in the ground" when planting fruits, such as apples, pears, oranges, and etc. Were they afraid of fruit the size of gourds? I got!
These simple facts have been known about biological matters, since the days on Mendeleev. And, every freshman biology class in this public school district learned that the fruit around a cluster of seeds is the nourishment of which they feed while maturing in the soil. Genius trumped by greed!

Why might many starve? That old philosophy..This is the way it has been always done...It works...And, we must produce at least n metric tons of pears before the end of this season...We do not have time for these strange theoretical notions from some outsider.....

Greed...would you really want 156M($US)? The numerous calls from strangers. The fond letters from individuals whom "ain't never cared".. "remember when they etched that indelible idea on the forefront of your mind"..."as a man thinketh"...

Remember that old childhood game among young rabble-rousers and rough-houser, "kill the man with the ball"...It is a rugby-ish game played by children with sole-purpose of teaching aggression.

And, being the descendant of an executive manager among the largest social service organization in the Midwest and under the United Way umbrella, if you gave a charity all that you won and only kept enough for a modest life-style in a pre-fab home on an acre in the country with a truck-patch, a few fruit trees, and basic transportation, until one was about eighty, the directors and such who might not be the true owner(s) would take the largest portion and those for whom they beg the government dole and only toss a minuscule portion, they would be forever in that abysmal state that should have been escaped decades ago. Some situations never improve. This is not necessary health, including addictions and behavioral problems, or the financial troubles which most considered co-symptoms; it is the heart of capitalist competition, spawned when avarice met aggression, and, the "honorable sport" of "we will all play our role" in improving a "not-so-perfect" world community.

Remember those relatively new notions in a burgeoning field of "software engineering". Project deliverable cycles are iterative and optimizing. Well, forgive this "possible blasphemous sounding notion", many ancient scriptural documents, some who lack texts which they internal reference such as Enosh, are complete in thought and teaching, plus represent early "social engineering" documents.

Yet, with all marvelous dreams of "systematically refining" this world. Do not misinterpret these statement the Paraclete works wonders. Yet, most never learn of those teachings, which are claimed as the very foundation of their nation. And, misguided nationalism has caused more conflict during this and previous centuries, that Churchill was famous in saying, "In Our Time" with a promise of peace during the turbulent years of the National Socialist advance in Western Europe. And, old Hemingway with a style some called terse and other contrived and simple, wrote a text by the same name, that many high-school students have read. "Peace" is every child's dream when entering this world, especially when we reach an age that we see its "ugly" imperfection and philosophical-schisms. And, peace is a promised fruit produced by the Paraclete.

Those who know history can make the implicit connections.

Let us spin a yarn that a toddler might enjoy. Along the lines of The Great Time Machine written around the end of the 19th Century, a person creates the equivalent of space-time translation and omnipotence. He carries this with him in his vest-pocket, in the form a golden-watch on a chain. He travels throughout all of Earth's history, correcting the turbulent events, in hopes that past times, the present, and future might have a stable peace. And, the violent among us would be exterminated from the face of the Earth. Yet, this watch, his means of travel and eradicating violence, is taken, by one who seeks power and wealth, only. And, like the fields of psychology, medicine, social-work, the teaching of organized faith, and others whose foundations are cemented in the common dream of harmony, peace, and pervasive health, someone who is only living for this life and it's immediate pleasures harm others simply for profit.

So, some dream of a one hundred and fifty years of the "vigorous, vital, and vibrant" life of youthful recklessness, and others are rather elated with one hundred and fifty years of blessing in the time that the holder of time and chance allots, for he knows not only the first landing of a dreidel, or any lot, and every one that follows.

By the way, if you have not forgotten your simple assignment, with a partial solution, you might consider disconnecting the terrestrial area network, before forecasting your future wealth.

Files can be pulled or placed on any networked device, given that another has sufficient access-levels and knowledge.

Anyone at Verizon have a Excel document which maps an AI-based measure described as a 4-bit number that forecasts short and mid-term moves of aggregate random data. Hello, NASDAQ! Slappy Squirrel. It was snagged around late July or August of 2011 while in the shadow of the Yahoo!, Apple, and Oracle University headquarters. Plus, a walk from the Spanish Villa and palm trees of Northern California's best kept secret, ruby red guava puree!

Mr. V, keep it; it is chump change!

Once again, if any finite addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is possible between any pair of whole numbers from [negative-infinity....positive-infinity]. Then, any combinations of such operations are, and any mathematical question posed should be solvable by the properly chosen "groupings and partitions of the same operations". In fact, a little thought suggests that all mathematical questions are answerable with careful consideration and a novel, clever, Matthew 17:20;19:26;Mar 10:27;Luk 1:37;Luk 18:27;Heb 6:18;Heb 11:6 [KJV] child-like faith that with One who never fails, any task is accomplish-able.

As the many Nimrods in history prance around, boast about all that they have done, and the many impossible accomplishments realized through their own strength, please enjoy these size-thirteens. They could fit "many-a-folk" whom the author has known and those who have only heard what their ears itch for, in an incomplete knowledge of one whom they would curse with the most "wicked" intentions, simply as a result of his lineage, as taught by their parents since the earliest institutions of this nation were founded, built upon stratified rewards and false beliefs of deserved "status" arising from one's physical heritage alone. So, Mary Lee that appellation of  Nimrod bestowed upon me circa 1987 for ideas which could not have sprung from a high-school student, the author must say with the full-respect given a person with your status, it was not deserved along with any other rebukes. And, from this "simple-mind" who is constantly admonished, in these years, that so many problems would not have occurred, if he was wise enough the he would "shut his mouth" and do what he was told in this public school forum. If someone, accepted the imperative, "call back around the time for the Sunday Matinee; The late night news has ended; this not the time for a movie" in March of that year, "humble-pie" would not have been served on that Thanksgivings near a cabinet of leaded glass. It was certainly less tasty than the cup of cold-blooded caffeine rich cup of coffee served after avoiding a cup of warm tea at that same dinner table, the day before.

So, if the day after ever comes, remember as an index finger points just outside one's peripheral vision, what type of "fool" would fall for "...always number one."....

Forgive the typos, the author might revise this draft in a book written for his sole pleasure, seeing that not a single person is interested in reading about the bazaar-intersection of recreational mathematics, computing history, the misuse of knowledge for unchecked financial gain resulting in a portion of this world's turmoil, and the author's perspective of the post civil right struggle in a country where such was supposedly resolved in 1865.

Do not hurt one's self in a quest for something that never satisfies.

Yet, Do-Whatcha-Like,

Shock G Doppleganger

P.S. The author is more dandy, foppish, and dapper in a plaid, three-button, POLO 34 rims, a broadcloth shirt with a spread-collar, and a 4-inch one-dot chocolate kravate with white polka-dots, and Bluchers. He was born with the large almond-coloured honker!

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