Friday, February 20, 2015

Working on the Detailed Design

Team. We are working on the detailed design. Each low-level detailed design item will map directly with an high-level architectural design item. Logically, they will be more closely associated with each of the specification items. Their architectural counterpart fixes their location within the high-level design while their respective nearest associated specification item provides a description of the behavior of the system which they realize. This document will likely have the most line items.

Next Week

With eight hours of effort available this weekend, we will hopefully complete the detailed design. As always, our goal is keeping the document short. This should be delivered on Monday. Next week's project is the servlet's test cases which should arrive the following Monday. Also, between now and the 03.01.2015, we must learn how one creates an online mirror for our local Subversion (SVN) source code management repository at So, we will be skimming the SVN documentation given in yesterday's post.

This places about a week behind our scheduled pace; however, we are not in a rush.

Enjoy your weekend. Use it Wisely. La-La.

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