Team. We have made progress on five of seven of the
life-cycle document drafts. The first three which were posted on Google Drive
at the end of January have been revised. They had a few spelling and
grammatical errors plus word misuses.
There three new links for the Executive Summary, Feature
Specification, and Requirements Analysis Document. The old versions of these
files are still available at the links given when they were created. Each
document is less than 15 minutes of reading.
These documents can be found at the following links:
Executive Summary
Feature Specification
Requirements Analysis Document
System Requirements Specification
Abstract Architecture Document
OpenOffice 4.0
These documents have been checked with the OpenOffice 4.0
Spellchecker. For an open-source office productivity product that is reasonably
reliable visit:
Multi-dimensional Partitioning of Concerns
When you look at the structure of the numbering scheme
(stage_letter feature#.requirement#.specification#.architecture#...), you will
see that numbers expand in a network-fashion that resembles a tree as a result
of iterative refinement. But when we take a step upward in our level of
abstraction during the high-level architectural design, you will see a number
of repeated architectural design items associated with differing specification
items. The network will expand again with the detailed design items.
We are designing a component for a specific architecture.
So, we made our architectural design decisions early; they are mentioned in the
Executive Summary. This is not always the recommended practice, but it makes
development easier. If our product was not for a specific architecture, we
would choose a prototypical high-level design before proceeding. This is
necessary since the architectural decision is another chicken and egg problem
in software engineering. One only can optimize requirements decisions if one
knows the high level design for which he is developing.
Subversion (Source Code Repository)
Currently, the source resides in a local repository. That
library will be migrating and placed at It
might take a couple of weeks. We are working on mirroring the local SVN repository,
,online. There are three NetBeans Projects in the repository : CABOOSE, JAXWSHello, and JAXRSHello. |
,online. There are three NetBeans Projects in the repository : CABOOSE, JAXWSHello, and JAXRSHello.
JAXWSHello and JAXRSHello must be deployed and running
before one can populate their replacement tiles on the "landing"
web-page. Also, a Derby database resource must be created with the name caboose
and a single table named CABOOSE with a pair of fields, ID which is an integer
and MESSAGE which is a variable length character field. It should contain only
one record with an ID of 100 and a MESSAGE of "HIBERNATE Connectivity
Established!" The username and password for the resource should be
"root" and "root", respectively. Also, one should remove
the comments from the directory.xml tile elements for Hibernate, JAX-RS, and
JAX-WS connectivity one at a time.
This is all for now. Happy Coding. La-La.
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