Thursday, November 13, 2014

Looking Backward and Forward ... Reflection

We have been in the process of creating a simple general purpose servlet for any JEE platform web application. At this point, our source could evolve in a number of directions. We could produce a controller for workstation-based graphical user interfaces or for internet-based applications from what we have. We will take the route of the internet-based application controller. Our next step is using our XML reader for extracting the name of a stencil replacement variable and its associated handler method from the directory.xml file. Once we have these pairs, we will use reflection for invoking the appropriate handler for each stencil variable. We might consider creating a de-facto standard format for the replacement variables which will allow for variable parameterization if needed. This would require processing with regular expressions. This feature might be included in the first iteration of the production life-cycle after creating our prototype from which we can reason. Also, such a feature might simply be unnecessary, and any functionality it adds might be achievable by some other means. I hope that you are enjoying this post. I must say that I am having quite a fun time working on this project. Continue your efforts and good work, Team. I realize that some of you are learning programming and/or the JAVA language as you read these pages. I truly do appreciate your work at understanding these concepts. I you have any suggestion I would enjoy hearing them in the forum pages at Have a great week. La-La.

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