Monday, August 28, 2017

Episode #JLK - A Situational Comedy of Tradgeies - The Compu-Buster - That Is What Is! Huh?

CABOOSE Team! As we don our pret-a-porter with various grand insignias and wave corporate ensigns, which grant access and entry among the elite and well-respected institutions in the Western World!  Boonie thought that he would share a short vignette for those, all know, who love, dare that word connoting humanity's greatest weakness be invoked, snagging a line, verse, or rhyme and performing a financial turn-over that be right on time!

Inquisitive geekish child be he
Taught of El-Shaddai's Perfect World @his.birth.mothers.knee

Pondered upon an art of cogitation
Whose traditional use was structure fabrication

The motion of implements, stones, and boxes
Tallied with marks and crosses

Coss, Arithmetic, Mathematic, and Such
Computation be in need of a Theory, and that in a rush

An basic alegebra-neophyte be he
But, let us start with 1,  10,  and  3

Then, the most common operations, let us compound these
And, a tentative tuple of axiomatic prowess produceth he

( +, -, *, /, +Z ) will sufficient this be
On further thought, needeth us old -Z

And, then in half a clock-wise turn of the long-hand upon a brown Timex watch
A thought, A thought, A thought

And, that from one classified as "brain-dead" me
Does computation require as such -, / as a necessity

Please, laugheth at me not, My feelings are fragile, upon sensing a light touch of derision and mocking dispersions casteth at me

Could it be that a woolley-headed fellow hath said it, circa 19 aught 84, that it might better be,

If those natural work-actions, ( - , / ) ,whose descriptions through the ages, which where built in natural stages, be discarded and classified as meta, me see!

And, seeing as such, it giveth not much that one cannot compute in this or any section a physical Universe which rolls, spins, wobbles, and processes perpetually,

Computations upon stones, bones, pebbles, and Conch shells expanding and abstracting becoming script in gobar, a wise saying disappearing eternally

with a frothy, foaming ocean-swell...

Aggregated, Combined, Partitioned, Grouped, Reduced, Canceled, and a Remnant remains, just as it be!

Blar Nie!

Epilogue: Doth mad ramblings have such? Could Ol' Boonie be ever-so slightly touched? Or, an Ace that maketh the lettered and accomplish blush?

Progress in a land of dreams....A large swath of humanity subtly labeled as a genetic disease! Stop, Think, and Listen, at a short history!

Could a mother tell a tale, or does of sin's quicksand does this spell? A pair of women, one who is Asian and the other whose primary heritage is of that hated American Brown tone! Both pregnant before 1978! But, yet only one pregnancy reaches a completion, do immigrants under this "beautiful nation"!

And, that before a near "accidentally on-purpose" abortion by the Might Quinn, the second of what three siblings should be, arrived in the later part of 1980 on a date, that is the same, you see!

A woman ridiculed and constantly parodied! Why? She thought that it was only reasonable, that it be, both research technicians share the task of pushing the work cart and lifting what was heavy. One who dared contact human resource, in a rush. Yet, she was ignored, and the loss... of what would have be her second child, was considered a negligible cost! Another lost child's life full of potential ignored; In a "red, conservative" state where abortion is abhorred!

Yet, the university was quite happy and kind when the increased income for the lower research roles had arrived. For, an affirmative action opportunity at Malinkrodt had taught that we all need career advancement, for this an African American woman solely fought! They very same who dealt with "unwillingly" losing a child and the myriad of private insult! From doctorates of physiology and other, we all see, who set about undermining a future of harmony!

So, frightened of spending her last fews years in prison and the object of community derision at an age approaching sevety-three. Oh, how forgetful are we! We forgive insult after insult, robbery after robbery, yet, was rolls around rolls around and landeth upon any overbuilt university! One most carefully, remind everybody, stop, think, and, listen, when ws the second born of what might have been three!

We are all "brain-dead", we hear, and believe what is most appealing for one's own ear...this  is a certainty!

Some can provide the impetus for fortune upon fortune, and, when returning a stern word be bankrupted of their "graciously-given" crumb of a fractional portion! For America it is never enough! When blame must be assigned; it lands on those whose flesh tones are shades near rust....

A nation "advanced" external appearance be; but wild,untamed torrents of a savagery, eddy, eddy, eddy, in a swirling avarice-tainted sea.

The authorities never show unless profitable for the City Hall; And, now that they have greater understanding of how they mighteth raid the American Powerball, they invoketh a cell hypnosis the simply shall never break, for what they thinketh might be a big dollar stake!

Many a man hath passed away, when placed in an American holding cell; Some officers do such for play; And, might gamble on the hour, or minute, day, that a hapless fellow might fall! Yes, this a gladiator's sport. So, on whom might one call! When a non-English speaker might be arrested for naught, but eyeball-aught in a public shopping Mall!

So for, the lack of "quality-healthcare" over three decade from the very institution whose public reputation that this "monkey" hath helped save by participating in a Minority student program and such, generated positive media relations in a rush. And, in the long run could it be, from student records, we all see, the rural citizenry our been given more "allied health and medical" degree!

A "monkey", a famed Moncheechee, who was nearly ignited with Ether, when told that it he must decant by a famed mishap-miscreant, all o this fine city and federal government entities would trust in a medical facility, where adult technicians in a romantic fray, laced the weekly seminar's lemonade, and within a few minutes, an innocent co-worker fell an hit the floor! Dead, Dead, Dead, and shall arise on the earth nevermore! A marginal education in the fine art of cancer biology, made a jilted-heart draft a draught of a cancer-inducing poison that was thousands of times greater than it should be!

So, could it be that a diabolic scientist from necessity was like Lebeckwith said" birth with a easy-go-lucky Moncheechee!

Computeth all shall ever be! It is a reasoning-abstraction coupled with human-motion, this simplistic notion, a solid foundation for the theoretical  axioms shall be [+,*,+Z,0,-Z]!

Huh, I DONE BEEN @#$! Or, somethin' like that? One must accentuate the positive eliminate the negative, and latch on the affirmative, and do not undermine the "we-scene"!

The is all this earth gots!

Simply Silly, Thumbs Up!

The release of another pin.

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