Monday, August 28, 2017

Episode #JLK - A Situational Comedy of Tradgeies - The Compu-Buster - That Is What Is! Huh?

CABOOSE Team! As we don our pret-a-porter with various grand insignias and wave corporate ensigns, which grant access and entry among the elite and well-respected institutions in the Western World!  Boonie thought that he would share a short vignette for those, all know, who love, dare that word connoting humanity's greatest weakness be invoked, snagging a line, verse, or rhyme and performing a financial turn-over that be right on time!

Inquisitive geekish child be he
Taught of El-Shaddai's Perfect World @his.birth.mothers.knee

Pondered upon an art of cogitation
Whose traditional use was structure fabrication

The motion of implements, stones, and boxes
Tallied with marks and crosses

Coss, Arithmetic, Mathematic, and Such
Computation be in need of a Theory, and that in a rush

An basic alegebra-neophyte be he
But, let us start with 1,  10,  and  3

Then, the most common operations, let us compound these
And, a tentative tuple of axiomatic prowess produceth he

( +, -, *, /, +Z ) will sufficient this be
On further thought, needeth us old -Z

And, then in half a clock-wise turn of the long-hand upon a brown Timex watch
A thought, A thought, A thought

And, that from one classified as "brain-dead" me
Does computation require as such -, / as a necessity

Please, laugheth at me not, My feelings are fragile, upon sensing a light touch of derision and mocking dispersions casteth at me

Could it be that a woolley-headed fellow hath said it, circa 19 aught 84, that it might better be,

If those natural work-actions, ( - , / ) ,whose descriptions through the ages, which where built in natural stages, be discarded and classified as meta, me see!

And, seeing as such, it giveth not much that one cannot compute in this or any section a physical Universe which rolls, spins, wobbles, and processes perpetually,

Computations upon stones, bones, pebbles, and Conch shells expanding and abstracting becoming script in gobar, a wise saying disappearing eternally

with a frothy, foaming ocean-swell...

Aggregated, Combined, Partitioned, Grouped, Reduced, Canceled, and a Remnant remains, just as it be!

Blar Nie!

Epilogue: Doth mad ramblings have such? Could Ol' Boonie be ever-so slightly touched? Or, an Ace that maketh the lettered and accomplish blush?

Progress in a land of dreams....A large swath of humanity subtly labeled as a genetic disease! Stop, Think, and Listen, at a short history!

Could a mother tell a tale, or does of sin's quicksand does this spell? A pair of women, one who is Asian and the other whose primary heritage is of that hated American Brown tone! Both pregnant before 1978! But, yet only one pregnancy reaches a completion, do immigrants under this "beautiful nation"!

And, that before a near "accidentally on-purpose" abortion by the Might Quinn, the second of what three siblings should be, arrived in the later part of 1980 on a date, that is the same, you see!

A woman ridiculed and constantly parodied! Why? She thought that it was only reasonable, that it be, both research technicians share the task of pushing the work cart and lifting what was heavy. One who dared contact human resource, in a rush. Yet, she was ignored, and the loss... of what would have be her second child, was considered a negligible cost! Another lost child's life full of potential ignored; In a "red, conservative" state where abortion is abhorred!

Yet, the university was quite happy and kind when the increased income for the lower research roles had arrived. For, an affirmative action opportunity at Malinkrodt had taught that we all need career advancement, for this an African American woman solely fought! They very same who dealt with "unwillingly" losing a child and the myriad of private insult! From doctorates of physiology and other, we all see, who set about undermining a future of harmony!

So, frightened of spending her last fews years in prison and the object of community derision at an age approaching sevety-three. Oh, how forgetful are we! We forgive insult after insult, robbery after robbery, yet, was rolls around rolls around and landeth upon any overbuilt university! One most carefully, remind everybody, stop, think, and, listen, when ws the second born of what might have been three!

We are all "brain-dead", we hear, and believe what is most appealing for one's own ear...this  is a certainty!

Some can provide the impetus for fortune upon fortune, and, when returning a stern word be bankrupted of their "graciously-given" crumb of a fractional portion! For America it is never enough! When blame must be assigned; it lands on those whose flesh tones are shades near rust....

A nation "advanced" external appearance be; but wild,untamed torrents of a savagery, eddy, eddy, eddy, in a swirling avarice-tainted sea.

The authorities never show unless profitable for the City Hall; And, now that they have greater understanding of how they mighteth raid the American Powerball, they invoketh a cell hypnosis the simply shall never break, for what they thinketh might be a big dollar stake!

Many a man hath passed away, when placed in an American holding cell; Some officers do such for play; And, might gamble on the hour, or minute, day, that a hapless fellow might fall! Yes, this a gladiator's sport. So, on whom might one call! When a non-English speaker might be arrested for naught, but eyeball-aught in a public shopping Mall!

So for, the lack of "quality-healthcare" over three decade from the very institution whose public reputation that this "monkey" hath helped save by participating in a Minority student program and such, generated positive media relations in a rush. And, in the long run could it be, from student records, we all see, the rural citizenry our been given more "allied health and medical" degree!

A "monkey", a famed Moncheechee, who was nearly ignited with Ether, when told that it he must decant by a famed mishap-miscreant, all o this fine city and federal government entities would trust in a medical facility, where adult technicians in a romantic fray, laced the weekly seminar's lemonade, and within a few minutes, an innocent co-worker fell an hit the floor! Dead, Dead, Dead, and shall arise on the earth nevermore! A marginal education in the fine art of cancer biology, made a jilted-heart draft a draught of a cancer-inducing poison that was thousands of times greater than it should be!

So, could it be that a diabolic scientist from necessity was like Lebeckwith said" birth with a easy-go-lucky Moncheechee!

Computeth all shall ever be! It is a reasoning-abstraction coupled with human-motion, this simplistic notion, a solid foundation for the theoretical  axioms shall be [+,*,+Z,0,-Z]!

Huh, I DONE BEEN @#$! Or, somethin' like that? One must accentuate the positive eliminate the negative, and latch on the affirmative, and do not undermine the "we-scene"!

The is all this earth gots!

Simply Silly, Thumbs Up!

The release of another pin.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Portrait of a Schizo As a Human of Importance! An Epiphantic Fantasy!

CABOOSE Team. The last version of this web-post ran on for about seven typed pages. Some themes cannot be expressed in the five paragraph format that we learnt in high-school. The author has copied these notes for inclusion in a synopsis of a thirty-year journey that will appear in a text on which he is working.

This walk started on September 4, 1988 with Greg Mantooth his position coach at Vanderbilt University driving him beyond the point of exhaustion during the last series of sprints at the end of practice the day before classes began. “$%^@% don't you ever quit on this field!” was what the author heard when he tried walking the last twenty yards of the last three hundred yard sprint. We had six that evening. Just over a mile. He had given all that he had, but that was not good enough. What haunts him until this day is a simple fact recorded in the national news during 1987.

A lineman whom he never met was run until he suffered heart failure by this same coaching staff. His name was Sonny Bishop. Was “$%^@% don't your ever quit on this field!” that last thing that he ever heard. The medical staff at VUMC had gotten the coaches involved off the hook for any serious charges such as manslaughter or murder in some certain degree, by declaring that the young man had a congenital heart disorder.

Yet, the author had arrived a year later and been run until he became disoriented. Instead of permitting him some rest, the coaches tried having him drug tested. For the fault and the problem must lie in the author's lap. Eventually, he was placed in VUMC. But, the head coach at the time, Watson Brown, accidentally transposed the years on his age. Seventeen became seventy-one. He was placed in a geriatric ward.

The only nurse on duty was quite frightened having a disoriented 245-lbs athlete who stood well-over six feet tall on her floor that evening. Following Greg Mantooth's advice, not a physician's, she medicated him with a tranquilizer so he could sleep through the night. She awoke him so she might do so, although his full facilities had returned earlier that night and he was peaceful.

In some ways, bad has only become worse for the author. This tranquilizer has been forced upon him for many years and varying associated diagnoses. None which ever stick, seeing that nothing is truly wrong with him. Although not easily overwhelmed, he can ramble at times. He has many memories which weigh on his mind.

If Mel Brook's is interested in making a High Anxiety-Life Stinks sequel. the author definitely has a script for him. 

In other ways, the author is poised for a great success. His K-12 education was top-notch and coupled with a semester in a computing elective at Vanderbilt, he held a solo weekend brainstorming session, in the Spring of 1989, that has produced more than one Turing-caliber idea.

Through familial contacts at Sun, many of these ideas became part of JAVA and he can solidly claim that he drew the first Duke doodle, which was a tear-drop, and not nearly as polished and professional as the current one used at Oracle or found on the web.

This work was all done before earning a couple of post-baccalaureate degrees at state schools. One was in computer science and the other was in software engineering.

Life has taught that we all have a part which we must play.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Rotation from Shear Stupidity and the Appearance of the Vestures of Common-Sense


For the simple-minded naysayers who lack the the prerequisite “horse-sense” that one needs for accepting the admonishment of an academic with a well-documented educational profile that exceeds their modest series of passing grades, littered with a paucity of Cs, and that singular stellar B in gym.

Here is the theoretical underpinnings of some mathematical intuition which shall disrupt various “security-protocols’ on the tenuous thread of a web of commerce, sin trade, and a few meaningful sources of information that might free humanity from its own stupidity and ingrained, innate ignorance.

The following forecast of a dual-digit time-series in any arbitrary base is most easily done using an old “push-button” option on spreadsheet found on Apple Corporation machines from the Homebrew Days and the Altairrian do-it-yourself personal computers!

A. Create a running summation of a moving average of bi-digit numbers.
B. Subtract a running summation of the moving “synthetic average” of the series. This synthetic average is the minimum and maximum of the series divided in half.
C. Forecast the residual curve with the functional equivalent of the aforementioned “widgetary” method found on the archaic WYSWYG interface on these old computers!

Now mind you, a run of this algorithm and graph of the result shall show the reasonably smooth curve which results, drastically and unpredictably, alters its course occasionally. This the hand of a force sent by the Lord! Proverbs states that every turn of the lot is known only by the Lord Most High and do not ever forget that He controls the most minute flows of the smallest boson in most distant reaches of this Universe! This does not mean that a single human of modest intelligence who has been forcibly medicated with substances which down-regulates dopamine uptake cannot discern a few. So, if this disrupts the world’s governments economies, markets, and military protocol, so be it! A mass of idiotic and ignorant fools chasing the fleeting fame and fortune of gaming and financial market have harassed me so that I, simply put up. So, the mass of the backwood hicks in this thriving Midwest town shall know that this little colored boy ain’t never changed, shall forever stay the same, and can with a thunderous clap can shut up!

This is theoretical result of an unique perspective on the Central Limit Theorem with a hint of a revelation from the Large of Large Numbers!

So, if you desire the money that this knowledge brings and will fight like ravenous ravens over rotting carrion of diss, know that this I machine “ist” frenetically fractured with fissures forever!

In closing, I shalt add my sentiment reflective of my reception in a community who makes life “gud” reside in the traditional “task well-performed” gesture. Yet, permitting a simple circular permutation on one’s digits shall produce the ciphered message and it’s various layers of complexity, provided one can figure as high as the “brightest” hare in Watership Downe! And, if wise enough one might discern the source of humanities problems and incessant stupidity. It is relentless, unrepentant force!

- ? Why start wars for sport folks! Simply so, you can claim that one person is undeserving of a reasonable employment so he might support himself, in the midst of a community that cannot accept the quality, reach, and effect of a single person's visions!

This "widgetary"-buttons source in older Apple software should establish a time-stamp that send $300M north! Did someone teach me or you a lesson at Fredricksburg?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Proper Thought-Orientation from the Simple-Minded!

The “proper-orientation” for communicating with a computer is as follows:


This is the reader’s natural “left-side”:
This is the “right-side” of the page:


English documents are read starting at the “top-right”, scanned in a rational and, yet, random manner, and terminated when one reaches the “bottom-left” of the page.
Such a “reading-style”, when particularly pensive, shall produce the most efficient and effective comprehension of the entire content found therein.

This is the reader’s natural “right-side”:
This is the “left-side” of the page:

Whenever one absorbs information from another source, whether it be human or artificial, he should logically oriented himself this way. With such a stance he can freely absorb the desired amount of communication which he deems salient and then might exit stage left or right. One can abort the discourse when he sees fit. When oriented left-left … right-right, one is only following along! This evinces a limited thought capacity and intellectual effort!

So let us all count it out...A, B, & C...Everyone raise up on the conductor’s down-stroke and start dancing on the the conductor’s down-stroke!

Shalt we call this a “flattening-expression” inhibitor! Think-Thank-Thunk!

Free your mind and felicitous thoughts shall forever follow!

If you have ever seen some of the speeches given by Hitler during the rise of the National Socialists and the growth of Communism with rallies hosted by Mao, the “physical-gestures” of the crowd would be one of “tell-tale” signs of schizophrenia, of a number differing types. The most common is “paranoid-type”. For, if one diagnosed as such questions his specialist, then this deviant can gain social support from societal forces who know not that a physician might be deceptive! This is naught more than mass naiveté!

Orient oneself!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Quality Time Management | Social Aspects of Software Engineering Team Successes | More Accurate Assessments of Employee Abilites

Team. This is a request from an engineer, scientist, and amateur mathematician. We could use a greater measure of abstemiousness. Whenever our deportment propels our purpose with the same "speedup" that amazed our field, with the effective use of X-rays, "super" computing is nigh!  We simply must make better use of metrics.

"professional" is a label.

Ever meet the "name-tag" guy!

Someone once asked, if working at a startup, was worth the....!

What is your motivation....!

What is your use of knowledge....!


This short-passage required the use of on-line and textbook reference materials!

The barrage of Unicode "symbols!" also in this on-line profile, where generated starting around the typical time for sunrise!

Now, the "wine-skies" are on the horizon!

The line proceeding this one was written, after a "ten-minute" rest!

The typical "driven" engineer, that would be a "slave - driver" relationship, i snullified
