Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Simple Review of an Intuition on Data Compression

Team. Yesterday, we spoke with a young man at a company in the United States about this idea of compression data so it becomes arbitrarily small. So, we will make this idea "plain", because it spans a few older web-notes with other topics interspersed. In short, an integer of any size might have its value reduced by subtracting from it. This is something that one learns in elementary school. What one might learn in later years of education is that one can generate a stream of seemingly random values using a command found in most common programming languages used in modern computing. This command, often called "random", produces a pseudo-random stream of numbers. That means that it appears random; however, if one starts the random function with the same input, called a seed, the same stream will be produced.

So, if we start with 13 and subtract the sequence 7 , 5 we have 1, which is smaller than 13 and requires less storage space, if one uses the number of bits absolutely need for representing the number. This is the task of compression.

On the contrary, if we have 1, which was termed the "remnant", and add in the same short sequence 7, 5, we have 13. This is the task of decompression.

Please note, that the starting whole number can be enormous. And, the sequence generated by the random command can produce a list of values as long need for compressing a larger number and the number produced by random can be also be sizable.

The final piece of puzzle is that we need some stop sign placed within the number. The stop sign, also called a processing sentinel, that we have chosen is a special number called a "check-sum". These uniquely identify a larger number. A check-sum is a special number generated from a much larger number. Check-sums commonly are identifiers used for files which one might find on the World Wide Web and place on one's notebook personal computer using the file transfer protocol, FTP. This use of a stop-sign lets us know when we should stop calling the random command for more values when decompressing. And, if it was not immediately obvious, we simply stop calling this command, as we are compressing, when the remnant is small enough.

This is only intuition; however, it a very strong intuitive feeling.

This is the original intent of the phrase DNA storage crafted in a Mead notebook in the mid-1990s. With acronym DNA standing for "distinct number algorithm" and not the word associated with the genetic material which governs the growth of animal and plant cells.

It has been said of our reasoning that it "simple". And, that we are "simple" and "simple-minded". With that, we must agree, since we have been finding "simple approaches" for solving problems that our school teachers call "impossible". And, if we do not solve them in five minutes, we have often made great progress on challenging problems.

We are far from being the most elite in any branch of science, engineering, mathematics, or discipline established over man's history. But, over the years, we received a reputation for producing notions and insights that have the potential for great profit. All have not been that way; some have.

This reputation has been both a blessing and curse. For one, in a society where many are fueled more by money than a sense of brotherhood, community, and harmony, situations can become treacherous at times. This occurred in our lives with an unfortunate hospital room assignment on September 4, 1988 at well-known university in the states. Being a student-athlete, we had run passed our physical limits when driven by our position coach. This made us a liability for a team which lost a player in the previous year, as a result of medieval training practices. The sentiment of strength coaches was that athletes should train until muscular failure, and then let the muscle make a full recovery. This promoted the most rapid growth. Unfortunately, some muscles do recover when they fail. In defense of our head coach who was with us when we were checked in the university hospital, he was incredibly anxious when the nurse at the reception desk asked my age. He wrote my age as 71 instead of 17. After the fact, we heard that he only was facing a few months of probation regarding the negligence involved of the death of player who carried the number 73 before we inherited. He was part of a prestigious family who have had a large impact business, industry, and sports. Individuals in such families have extreme pressures upon them with which "average joes" cannot relate. Wealth often can be a greater burden than a "modest life".

Long-story short, we were placed in a ward for geriatric clients of this hospital. An irrational and frightened nurse, who was the only one duty, gave us the same dose of the medication which reportedly stopped Elvis' heart in the 1970s. This was before we were seen by a physician and while were perfectly calm and rational. She was basically tranquilizing us so we would sleep the entire night. Mishap after mishap on the following day after waking up, not remembering our name, and being given doses of this tranquilizer more than once, we experienced the type behavior which would be expected of anti-social delinquents at a private party. This includes having a DRE attempted by male nurse holding a hand-held video recorder while we were awake, yet, not aware of who we actually were, and waking up with a brunette nurse doing her best Annie Oakley impression under the camera in the observation room which the reception nurse assigned us when the coach wrote the age.

This is common dysfunction in human behavior among adults. Many among us have have suffered more than us. And, we do not relish pity parties.

Unfortunately, the medication was continued after this hospital stay and eventually forced when we would not take it. We have been actually apprehended by police officers for nothing more than not taking this medication first given at this hospital. Interestingly, the medical determination given for the player who died the year before we arrived sounded questionable.

As we recollect, the physician reported that his heart was 30% larger than "normal"; however, being a 280+ pound athlete, he likely was 40% larger than "normal". The official determination was a congenital disorder called an "enlarged heart".

The official diagnosis in our case was the reverse progression of a "death sentence" illness in behavioral health. The doctor stated that the disorder was the worse it could possible be and could eventually become its first precursor in some of his case notes during an office visit during the Spring of 1989, as we have been told. Initially, we were told that it was a case of "jitters" associated with the transition between one stable living place and another. The official term given was "mild anxiety". This condition affects about one quarter of the United States population each year. Sometimes, it occurs more than once.

Anyone ever have "test anxiety" before mid-terms or finals? Ever feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar part of the city or in new workplace?

Do these "jitters" disappear when life's situations become different? The test has passed whether one has earned "high marks" or a "goose egg". One settles in and becomes an old pro at one's work tasks.

We were told that we would be "freed" from this medical treatment during our sophomore year after adjusting. It had been determined by a British researcher in the late 1970s that small doses (about one milligram) of the medication which was a factor in Elvis's death could treat jitters.

Another medication was available; however, the physician told us that it had long-term negative effects. This alternative was touted as wonder drug, but he was concerned that it might cause a permanent decline in cognitive functioning.

Unfortunately, larger doses of the medication which are used in treating the death sentence diagnosis which the doctor gave in his case notes during the office visit in the Spring 1989 produce extreme agitation and exacerbate anxiety.

Yet, he said during this Spring visit that making such a diagnosis hastily carried much liability. And, the it should be made after following a client for a couple of years.

Simply calling someone this could have a very negative affect on their life's outcomes. Worst of all, as said before, the larger doses of the medication induce agitation and exacerbate nervousness. So, they can result in a person losing his composure. This is only partially consistent with the "death sentence" diagnosis which only the invention of a Divine Power could possibly alleviate. Many individuals laugh at erratic behavior in other humans. Consider self-induced strange behavior such as intoxication from alcohol. Sadly, most of us, have found stories of such behavior entertaining at some time in our life. Yet, this "death sentence" condition has unbearable symptoms based upon medical literature. They include hearing vulgar, accusatory, insulting, and frightening commands, insults and such, plus seeing extremely frightening vision which are not real such as distortions in objects and persons around one. These are persistent experiences which do not relent.

This is not a cute or funny experience that one will laugh about many years later among old high-school friends. It is not the same as drinking a few more beers than one should, being wobbly, having slurred speech, and waking up beside someone does not seem as nearly beautiful as the night before. This diagnosis has traditionally been a sign of the deterioration of one's brain and one's five senses which hinge upon the proper function of the nervous system.

We all must remember, medicine has not always been as "advanced" as it is now. For many years, in behavioral health, this diagnosis was a catch all of "unexplained erratic behavior". During the current era, the new "catch all" describes a differing set of symptoms, most of which are not as horrible.

A true loss of one's senses or their control is not a laughing matter. And, if it is sincerely believed that someone has such a condition. They should not be the object of ridicule regardless of what type of unbelievable comments that they might make. Just smile and grin. Would a "kinder, gentler" nation not have mercy on such person, regardless of what they might say.

"Not having any sense" as the common country colloquialism connotes would suggest being impractical or foolish when one certainly knows better behavior and reasoning.

And, as I have learned in my life, humans have short memories. In that, during the 1970s, a substantial amount of news coverage described how many Americans had a "manufactured condition" that many specialist called this "death sentence" diagnosis. Yet, they produced this condition with how they treated the degree of anxiety which the person had, with over a quarter of the American population experiencing anxiety lasting over at least week each year.  This dishonesty among some physicians is not a new phenomena in medicine, and occurred over a century ago when certain medical professional would give their clients small doses of arsenic as medication. This would not kill them immediately, it would require regularly office visits which cost a fee, and they would not recover as long as they took what the physician gave. Find a quality library and look for a few reputable books covering medical history, it being full of bright spots and dark moments. Point being, that we were given a medication which was making our mild condition that could have subsided after a few month without intervention much worse. We were called something which gave us substantially less credibility than the individuals who placed the label on us.

This is something called "expert power" by psychologist, and individuals use power for differing reasons. Most frequently for reaching goals. If one's goal is wealth, then one might use the four forms of power, expert, referent, punitive, and reward, so one might obtain as much wealth as possible. It one has other goals, one would most likely use those forms of power for the furthering of them. Yet, most importantly, if one is wise, uniting with a Power greater than ourselves is an effective way of reaching the most important goals which life has for us. At least, this is what life has taught.

These forms of power have been a whirling torrent in a struggle for a basic existence facing unneeded medical care and other challenges. However, our challenges arising from the first day of college are extremely minor in comparison with some of the effects upon others arising from these experiences.

The most disturbing experiences arising from a local newscast which we saw in our locale during the first decade of this millennium. This first concerned the loss of life a young person named Amber. The second concerned the discovery of a Mead notebook as a clue in the case, which was more fuscia in color than the notebook which contained a number of ideas generated by the author that have arisen as products in the current era, a national broadcast on Fox News that we were wanted in connection with this death, and a final broadcast that her father was the actual person who was "guilty". This determination is questionable in my view. Men will be dishonest for a slice a bread as scriptures say. What might they do for promises of wealth, reward power? An old proverb states that if a man will lie, he will steal, and if he will steal, he will kill.

In this author's life, he has never killed or murdered anyone. He did, at the age of seven, inappropriately touch a female friend three years his junior. This was after a few years of abuse at the house of a babysitter. Sadly, being a person, who is not adept at misbehavior, he was caught by a camera without his knowledge. What is truly damaging about this, he was his mother's full height at the the age of eight. She is five foot seven inches or so. His friend was small for her age. This photo has resurfaced many times during his life. It is very damaging, although what is being done in the photo is not immediately apparent.

Also, another action which might have bought time in a juvenile detention center was an accident which occurred on a neighborhood playground with a female who was older, likely in senior high, but near his height. So, he could get her attention after being ignore, as preteens do, he hurled an asphalt hunk which should have landed a few feet past her and a few feet on her left-hand side as she chased a friend of hers. Her female friend unexpectedly changed direction. This broke her shoulder blade in four places. It was unintentional. Her father, who she claimed was a "klansman", and eventually one of his high-school football coaches has always been cordial. He never once made mention of how he expected that the situation would be resolved.

The only other offense which might have required me spending time confined or resulted in him permanently missing in the early days of integration was the inappropriate groping of a female in seventh grade. She stated that he would be bankrupted and someone else would receive everything that he had. She said that she part of a network with her mother being a project manager at local company that produces banking software. This fact might become critical in the future. These were the major offensives before the age of eighteen.

Post the freshman year at seventeen, the offenses are greater, but neither include murder. During an agitated state in the Fall of 1993, an incident of arson occurred. But, no one was injured accept the author who had flash burns on his hand. When placed in a hospital and treated, he was given a one milligram tablet of the medication which his first physician says treats anxiety well. He was calm in nearly an instant. He was then told that he should take the larger dosage of the medication which can induce agitation and exacerbate anxiety. He agitation increased exponentially. Yet, he was held in the hospital setting for a few days and heavily medicated with numerous injections of the tranquilizer which was partially liable his agitated state. Surmounting this barrier of medication placed in his life became quite challenging, in that, one's electrolytes can become unbalanced as the brain's neurotransmitter stabilize. One can use a medication called cogentin for addressing this. The author has also been told that electrolytic solutions such as sports drinks and vegetable purees with potassium, sodium, and etc. work well. So, another complication of simply discontinuing this class of medication, especially after prolonged use, is becoming "loopy". Agitation and loopiness, although unpleasant, are more like being in a drunken state. Dealing with the true symptoms of this "death sentence" diagnosis as described by "historical" medical journals is a condition of which one should not make jest. At least, not a mature adult.

Also, I should note that one should be on a very small maintenance dosage of this medication before discontinuing it, especially after taking for years. If someone is interested in freeing himself from the "Elvis killer", simply find a new physician and tell them that you are on a smaller dosage than your former physician provided. However, you must have some familiarity with your tolerance for the medication and tapering. Most specialists in this field never check previous medical records; most are furiously processing clients each day. One, every fifteen minutes or so, is spun in and out of a revolving door. I spent a year at a physician on a certain dosage. Found another and gave them an accurate history, including the mishaps in college. When they did not believe me, I lowered my dosage. Then, I found another and did exactly the same. I did this until I was on the dosage which has historically always allowed the best function. It is a level which could nearly be completely metabolized by an active student athlete in the course of a day's training and conditioning. However, I was given considerably more than this for most of my years in college, excluding the first successful full year, 1991-1992. Yet, my physician forced me back on the treatment using scare tactics, and, at that time, my thoughts were not on the events of the first day of my freshman year. So, I did not consider that I was completely whole.

If one is careful, one can reduce dosages gradually over a few months letting the "blood-levels" drop, while ingesting the electrolytes which will help balance neurotransmitters.

The author's next and last major incident was injuring a supervisor while on a software engineering team in the Spring of 1999. He made a full recovery. In fact, he was a manager for whom the author had worked at a few companies in differing roles during his college days. This injury was unintentional, the result of agitation arising from a mixture factors: completing a task budgeted for twelve weeks in approximately nine, being given the work of another team member which was also budgeted for the same time-span, meeting the deliverable date with a functional product accepted by the client albeit it of poor quality, receiving an injection of this agitation-inducing medication a week before the product delivery, a horrible, restless night before the incident, and the learning curve associated with a unique set of commands in the language which he was using.

Without giving numerous details, one of the few managers in this town who would hire the author consistently for work on his teams was injured in a random event. Yet, if anyone else on the team had suffered an injury, the author might have seen incarceration. What spared the author was the history between them both and some of the manager's relatives. This was a mixture of positive and negative experiences. One being, the author giving the manager's sister assistance when she was caught in a deep snow drift. Yet, some of the memories between them are difficult. While quite young, the author learned of some challenges which the manager's family had. He shared these with others. This might have disrupted the manager's family life at an early age. Also, siblings are often quite close. And, the author mentioned a very difficult challenge which one of the manager's sister had at time. We were all elementary age at that time. This resulted in an "insulting nickname" that lingered during her early years. The manager might have felt bitterness over this. He might have forgiven it.

With this said, these are his most egregious crimes.

Coincidences exist in life. Yet, one common thread which the author has found has arisen when he was younger and mentioned his father's income. While in elementary school, he asked his father, who was a senior manager at a local non-profit, what he earned. He was told that it was about fifteen percent shy of a classmate whose father was an engineer. He repeat this at some point when he spoke with a classmate. A child challenged him about something which the author said. Eventually, he approached the author with a unique handshake. The author had numerous difficulties until his father gave the child's family a thousand dollars.

While in middle school, the author committed the "lynch-able" offense of groping the "wrong" female. She claimed that she would have someone break him and give another person the proceeds since she was part of a network. Her mother was a project manager at a local banking software company who leased a corporate apartment below the author in the mid-1990s where a very crucial conversation was held. While a freshman in high-school, a particular character approached who knew the "offended" female plus the person who had promised his life's wealth and each extended a hand. This character who would trail me for most of high-school years gave that same "special-handshake" that he had experienced in elementary school. At some point, the author remembers being asked what his father's income was. This a professional managerial salary. The troubles were small at first, during senior high. Then, they grew.

But, a disturbing coincidence, which ties in with the young female who lost her life based upon local new reports, was a nicknamed, Amber, plus the associated surname which the author gave a high-school acquaintance whose hair was red.

The author wonders, if someone would harm another person this severely, so he might demand wealth from one and he might enrich others. What is more disturbing, is that some of these troubles occurred as a result of silly, immature, non-serious wagers and comments. A silly, senior-high school wager about the promiscuity of some of our female classmates, resulted in the author dating one or more redheaded females with a similar build. This person who used this "special-handshake" said the Booster Club for a college football supplied the funds for her or them in passing. This the author let enter one ear and pass out the other. At graduation, the author received numerous five dollar bills. It was only a five dollar bet, and the payout was a form a ridicule, since the author was still highly immature about certain carnal experiences.

In fact, he was razzed about something his neighbor's family heard when he was alone with one of the redheaded females in his bedroom with the window open. He barely breached the point of initial intercourse with a female who was not inexperienced yet not highly experienced, mentioned what he felt, and stopped immediately when tears welled up in her eyes. What sounded like the stereotypical "quick" completed first experience was quite misleading.

What troubles him the most is that he stated in the late 199Os when speaking with this character."Do you remember old Amber? You can kill it for me." "Killing it" was a slang term for the carnal act of intercourse used during his high-school days. The young school-aged Amber murdered after 2000 was of Afro-Euro heritage.

It was not until nearly 2001, that the author remembered experiencing this "handshake" while in second grade and the difficulties associated with it.

In the midst of the author's rather minor life struggles, a couple of other troubling events have occurred. The unfortunate loss of a classmate while in college. Based upon news reports, he saw her family unit. He has since seen them in hospital settings, and wondered if the local authorities have painted him as someone which they cannot prove is culprit; however they are confident based upon "evidence" that he should be placed in a restrictive setting. This simply was not the author.

The year this occurred was during the start of what would have been the second full year of college; however, the author's financial aid package was not finalized. So, he did visit the school briefly on the first day since he promised that he would pick up a pair of classmates at an airport between his hometown and the school. A vague memory exists of a young woman on the side of the road in a light brown Chevette being approached by three young men between the age of twenty and thirty with dark brown and black hair, light skin tones, between five foot five inches and five foot eight inches who were driving what his best recollection says was a blue or burgundy Caprice from about 1980-1981, the boxy style. After hearing the news reports, at that time, of the rape and murder, he told one of his parents about the cars which he saw, but he said that based upon this medical diagnosis, he would likely not be considered credible.

His parent might have called the police and given a report. Yet, he has seen the individuals which the news reported as her family in hospital settings, as said before, and once at a charity fund-raiser which packaged food for hungry families in his hometown. The author believes this woman was Jewish.

Also, while in the late 1990s, the author was in a den watching television with this hand-shocking character. A debate about politics simply raged on concerning the injustices which the business class perpetrates on the bulk of American citizens and how they divide the majority and minority groups using the promise of wealth which these underclasses rarely share a significant amount. Plus, it is always used for producing a stratified society.

At some point, the issue of an African-American president arose. The author who had done some brainstorming with a another person and realized that from his experiences, a person of mixed heritage who had a lighter complexion would have a greater chance at acceptance in American society. This had been the case with the first few African-American congressmen during the last few days of Jim Crow. Also, he had noticed in life that many American's family have some mixing between the larger groups in this country. We are built on friend and family networks.

He had seen a news report breaching this topic that suggested that a charismatic fellow with intricate blond curls and a very light complexion whose name might have been Ford Henry would be a likely candidate. This other person suggested a little known state senator who was well-known in Illinois for being a community organizer. This conversation occurred above a corporate apartment which a local banking software company holds. A company at which the author worked briefly. As, we all know sound travels downward. This a relatively interconnected city with many friend and family groups And, the "special-handshaker" has often bragged about having a family member with his surname in a significant position in city hall during the 1940 - 1960s.

 He shared this potential candidate with this "hand-shocking" debater. He scoffed and said that it would never happen. The author rebutted and said that many moderate voters who swing many elections would vote for an African American president if the Republican party sufficiently betrayed this country with an "unjust" war. Disgruntled Americans after Desert Storm in the early 1990s, which was rather quick and successful, helped put the Clintons in office. As usual, the author made a silly immature bet of five dollars.

He was never serious about any of these small wagers. Although, he felt that he might see such a leader in his lifetime. And, without sounding heartless and unfeeling, it was quite some time after seeing events unfold before his words in the late 1990s were rekindled in his mind. He also remembers overhearing a call which his father took from a person calling for the author. In this call, the author was promised anything he wanted for helping a business "network". This call came after the millennium. All that he heard was, if this Illinios state senator ever runs for president could he receive $100K. Knowing his father, who despises the notion of simply receiving payment for simply suggesting an idea, this likely was an attempt at wasting potential income for the author. Who called is a mystery. Yet, what happened cost lives and fortunes.

It became apparent that this  "special-handshakers" goal was getting the author in the same type of trouble in which he was at the outset of this acquaintanceship during his freshman year. The "handshaker" had bragged about certain exploits which would get him jail time. Also, he was rumored of holding a type of for-fee party which could earn everyone involved a year at minimum under state law. The response which the "special-handshaker" would give when asked about such situations was always, "How do you know? Did you attend the party?". And, most young folks who would attend were so frightened about the consequences, if they told, that they would simply keep silent. Plus, this "handshaker" was very competitive in terms financial success, educational accomplishment, and etc.

The final key part of what might have been the most horrible aspect of all of this is that after the house fire in the early 1990s an insurance company which has a reputation for neighborliness made the repairs. And, in the house was found, by a few of the family members, small devices resembling diamond earrings however larger. These were pinned in some of the corners near the ceiling. The author had seen these small black and white wireless cameras before. He figured that the insurance company had his former family unit under investigation for fraud. They mostly likely were hoping that they could recoup some loss.

And, the remote possibly that listening devices were present could have been possible, in that, he had often argued with this "special-handshaker" about the fact that klansman had terrorized a large portion of America long before foreign countries were any real terrorist threat. At some point, in the 1990s while pondering on his bed, after seeing a movie called the Fear of a Black Hat, and being fully aware of ethnophobic fears of many Americans, he thought that a group named after a Egyptian deity which was a threat would frighten White Americans enough that they would grasp the feeling instilled which one felt when terrorized by this foreign group.  Also, he was struggling with his life's issues during the mid-1990s and said while on bed, "i been so laden" which he slurred over and over again until the phrase sounded like, "Osama Bin Laden".

This state is primarily a "red" state. It is very republican, and a "little-known" fact which he learned while reading a Christianity Today around 2007 was that over thirty percent of the fighting force used waging the battle since 9/11/01 were mercenaries, blackwater. They were primarily of European descent. This does not immediately that they were klansmen, White supremacist.

Also, making an attempt at rectifying the situation, he offered this insurance company the "intellectual" property which he had in an idea notebook from middle school. One term which he might have written in it was the Arabic term for monkey which he found as part of a word history in an Old Webster's College dictionary which his grandmother had given him. This notebook also included some sketches and designs for different vehicles. It is not it uncommon that a youth in this era might create such sketches.

Another reason why he wonders if he might be under investigation is that when this "handshocker" was leading him places where angels dare tread, he would see a few faces which were not regulars. Some where memorable. Some of those faces resurfaced at a work location that the company for which he works services. Interestingly enough, one of the employees at this location appeared on a locale news broadcast in the mid-1990s. He was a detective and sergeant for the local force. Another was a person whom this "special-handshaker" introduced as a police officer in the 1990s. And, this police officer was on edge in this office place when the author was around. This "special-handshaker" often bragged of having friends on the local police force. And, as this most in this country knows, klansmen were a large part of law enforcement before the Civil Rights era.

The author remembers attending the "handshocker's" church shortly before attending college. The choir robes where large emerald green satin with an emblem of a crucifix with a flame in the middle inscribed in a circle. The author does not spend much time learning the symbols of klansmen, but this looked familiar. He was certain that these were klanrobes when he saw them with hoods one day laying in the master bedroom of the house in which the "special handshaker" lived near the millennium.

Also, at his current positions, he sees a number of familiar faces from his troubles over nearly three decades. Most of them are police officers and some are medical professional. The most worrisome event of the past few weeks were the heavy heart palpitations/convulsion felt after drinking the remains of juice in an open container kept near his locker. These were reminiscent of the sensations he felt while awaiting arraignment in the local police's holding cell after the incident with his manager when he was given his first meal. It has been reported that some men have suffered sudden coronaries while in these cells.

It would be rather unfortunate if a "silly, childish" grudge match and human greed resulted in this much mayhem on the Lord's earth. All of this destruction, so someone might teach the most outspoken student in class who can produce simple solutions for challenging problems that he does not understand all things nor certain aspects of life which others hold as common-sense. Truth be told, the author is not the least bit interested in mastering this "special-handshake" if it results in this much mayhem. Many lives have been lost on these shores and possibly others, Americans have lost retirement accounts, and quite possibly the fabric of the American communication and commerce network has been comprised. This resulting from the release of an optimization approach listed in these web-notes called the Miller-Kovarik which is potentially effective in factoring large integers. The was made public after the author told a physician that he was not in need of the treatment which was being forced on him and that he was holding information which "might be" disruptive based what he has been taught in his computing curriculum. He also that he was more than capable of working and surviving on his own. All that the author heard from the physician was that "my child can factor". This is a troubling epidemic among modern physicians. They simply will not do what they are taught in the first few pages of Cecil's Textbook of Medicine, a standard at many medical schools. If they cannot master the fundamental objectives in the first chapter of a book, will they ever truly master the more advanced subjects at the end of the first year? Will they do well in medical schools courses beyond this without academic dishonesty seeing that they lack a solid base of fundamentals.

Seeing that the author was challenged with a "put up or shut up" response, he held his tongue for nearly a decade more of medical mistreatment. This given optimization approach will potentially nullify the Diffie-Hillman's key exchange which is reported as an important part in computing security. This might comprise single factor and dual-factor authentication which should be more aptly coined as "single composite exchange" or "double composite exchange". If one can factor an arbitrary composite once, then one can factor any one which he is given. The saddest part of this is that the Miller-Kovarik approach was near completion in 1992 before establishment of the public portion of the Internet and the proliferation of electronic commerce. Furthermore, any form of Diophantine security protocol becomes fragile when one uses this optimization approach. Yet, medical physicians drove the author away from this college where he had his first successful year by over-medicating him. Seeing that the American military has it advantage not in its size, but its "unbreach-able" network used for communication when fighting in the air, land, and sea, it is the hope of the author that this attempt at simply surviving in this country and living a modest life did not result any fighter pilots fighting "blind".

Furthermore, the promise of security based upon "quantum entanglement" hinges upon the unsift-abiltiy of an enormous numbers of state combinations, and the rapid growth thereof. Yet, as we know, P=NP, this gives insight on managing this form of combinatorial explosion. The clique problem is one whose solution is accessible for elementary students. With this said, many doctoral dissertations are actually case studies. In particular, posing a set of problems which each require unique insights, then calling them heuristics of which the clique problem is one, and claiming that they are unsolvable so might motivate inquisitive students, test a few things.

First, it tests the knowledge of the traditional meaning of the word "heuristic" which is a academic exercise which is solvable, yet, requires experimentation and further investigation by one's students. This is a term which should be learned by every future teacher, and all serious students. It entered my vocabulary late in the author's computing education. Also, it tests whether a student will go above and beyond the routine of just "doing enough". Plus, whether a student is mature enough that he will not accept everything which he is told by another. We are all fallible.

Most importantly, a heuristic or related problem should not be used in any shape or form in computing security or military intelligence, a subject that the author knows very little about.

Forgive the extended web-note. It needs some refining and editing; however, the author cannot imagine why police officers which he has seen before in certain places are at each of his work locations, and the post office which he uses. It might be possible that three of four might have retired and taken simpler, safer positions. However, at least, thirty or so are at his early morning assignment.

At times, in life, one must simply say that if a person will not "learn" the vindictive lesson which one is insisted on teaching, simply call him an "idiot, stupid", or any stream of vulgar insults that one chooses, but do not put many lives and livelihoods at stake. Put your hands on him and him only! Physical war is foolish. The Art or War states this clearly. If any side loses a single citizen, that country has loss a priceless resource which it cannot replace. Unfortunately, some feel that they have an "enlighten view of wise sayings" when they read them backward. The age-old wisdom is that war should be avoided at all cost. The "enlightened" world leaders say, "we will send troops long before it is expected, and use an element of surprise". This when their lives are not stake.  

Many believe, everyone must give an account. This childish nonsense and vindictive "handshake" stemming from middle school might have reached beyond the shore of this country when it should have never gone passed the Principals office or juvenile court. This is petty. DAH, have enough yet. Need another $5K?

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