Sunday, December 6, 2015

CABOOSE MVC Site in PHP and XHTML 1.0 Storyboard

Team. Hopefully, your week has been enjoyable without more fun than you can handle. We are delivering a port of our PHP proof of concept CABOOSE prototype MVC available on Google Drive as listed in an earlier weblog entry. This port is a PHP CABOOSE MVC interpretation of our main CABOOSE site which is a storyboard of a few pages. On the "home" page a hyperlink for the storyboard is along the bottom which will place you in the PHP controller, and in the 'home' view of the PHP MVC is a hyperlink which will teleport you out of the controller and place you back on the storyboard. The source for the storyboard and the PHP CABOOSE MVC will be available as zip archives soon. You will notice that the PHP CABOOSE has been architected slightly differently that out JAVA CABOOSE system. The PHP MVC was a quicker implementation with more pecking and less thinking. So, some redundancy exists in the structure of the xml mapping files. We will improve this in future editions of the PHP CABOOSE which will serve as a point from which we can nearly directly translate and produce our PERL and Python editions. The core of a CABOOSE system is rather small and easily implementable in a few hours. Feel free and experiment with the source code developing your own CABOOSE-style systems in your own favorite language(s). Also, as mentioned earlier this same type of dynamic invocation is useful in developing reuse-able kernels for rapid application development. An extended version of this note can be found on our PHP CABOOSE WEBlog.

Enjoy This Week. Be Diligent, But Get Plenty of Rest...


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