Monday, August 3, 2015

Continued Aside: Actionable Data Structures, Object Machines of Various Types, Implementation, and CABOOSE

Actionable Data Structures

As mentioned before in the last couple of post, an actionable data structure can perform zero or more specified tasks when one of the standard operations of that abstract data type (sort) occurs. Each one of these tasks is a method contained within the object node stored in the abstract data type (ADT).

Object Machines of Various Types

Computing machines are modeled using various data types. For instance, a queue of instructions might simulated a pipe-lined processor. Another popular sort for computation is the stack ADT. Stack machines are quite common and are at the heart of many programmable calculators such as the HP 11-C. They are useful in the evaluations of expressions and conversion between prefix and postfix notation. With this in mind, if one constructed and actionable object stack machine, then he could evaluate a language of object expressions based upon the available libraries of a modern object-oriented language.


More than one approach exist for creating actionable data structures as with traditional ADTs whose physical structure might be realized with fixed length arrays or dynamic link lists. One might produce the "actionable" behavior of these sorts using reflection, aspect-orientations, or an event-driven programming model like that found in Visual Basic.


How will CABOOSE use actionable data structures? This is a great question. This dynamic behavior should be available within the model data structure which provides the views which automatically render the specification (HTML, XHTML, DHTML or XML) of the browser's requested content.
We will be revising our implementation of CABOOSE in light of these thoughts on actionable data structures.

Have a Great Week. We are still working on the summaries which we promised.
Hunt... Peck...Think....Please pardon any typos.


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