Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Integration Possibilities ( Ozark CABOOSE )

Team. This is not your typical Burlington Northern Sante Fe – Union Pacific merger. Integrating Ozark and CABOOSE will likely be a smoother transition. At first glance, Ozark (JSR 371) seemed somewhat disruptive for our efforts, but we have found that we might easily find a nice niche in it. The most obvious place where CABOOSE would fit is any method of an Ozark JAX-RS web-service controller which returns a string. We are still reading on Ozark and sketching notes. We have not yet configured and tested it with the sample project provided through the Ozark mailing list. Also, Ozark might allow for the extension of CABOOSE so it can return any of the four types expected by JSR 371.

Our primary goal was simplicity in controller development through the creation of a general-purpose reusable servlet. The team at Oracle which has a greater depth of knowledge in the capabilities and facilities of  the JAVA Enterprise Edition (JEE) decided that a JAX-RS web-service would be a better choice for supporting controller development. These are simply the iterations of ideas which occur in computing. Software development is necessarily iterative and ultimately optimizing, and we can make steady progress as long as our goal does not move.

We have reassessed our goal and will be working toward a reusable and generic Ozark controller using the concepts from CABOOSE. This will be our Ozark CABOOSE. It will allow for the same approaches for page concern partitioning and the division of roles between pure scripters and JAVA resources. One added bonus is Ozark's support for returning JAVA Server Pages (JSP) and JAVA Server Faces (JSF) with greater syntactic ease than CABOOSE.

Enjoy Your Week's Activities and Keep Singing (La-La). The CABOOSE Team.

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