Friday, March 20, 2015

Long-term Goal for CABOOSE - String Substitution Projects | Housekeeping

Team. I dawned on us that the order in which one replaces the tile variables in a CABOOSE stencil might have internal dependencies. In other words, #TILE_B# must be replaced after #TILE_A# and before #TILE_C#. It seems that, in some cases, the process of string substitution will follow the pattern of a mini-project which one can describe with a PERT chart, an acyclic directed graph. We felt that the best way of addressing this condition was adding an attribute in each tile element called, parent, which list all of the tiles upon which processing in the current one depends. Of course, as with project management we will start at an initial placeholder task and then process each of it descendants in a breadth-first manner. Also, we will only attempt replacing each tile once. It would be best if one created highly cohesive tile handlers which did not effect the efforts of any other, but this might not be achievable in all instances.

Also, we will add a pair of housekeeping tiles which will expect empty-strings by contract. One will be #BEFORE# and the other will be #AFTER#. #BEFORE# will occur before the start substitution tasks and #AFTER# will occur following the finish task. This will allow for any housekeeping that one might consider doing for one or more of the application views. One could simply create a common before or after handler for more than one of the views. This lets us partition certain aspects of view processing well!

A few thoughts before the weekend which we hope that you enjoy! La-La.

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