Monday, December 15, 2014

Taking Stocking. Friends of CABOOSE.

Team. Let us take a good look at the project and decide how we can produce the best prototype with the resources and time that we have left. We have already mentioned adding a custom tag for JSP or JSF which we would use for placing view-model content in the webpage. We also considered how one might use a bean for placing a property's value on a page. What if we make this value structured web content and access it with the "jsp:usebean" and "jsp:getproperty" tags while using the "jsp:setproperty" method for accessing form data. We also have considered creating a custom CABOOSE tile element for returning content when using the general-purpose servlet. And, it was promised that the prototype would not be gold-plated and the "feature creep" would not be allowed in our informal joint application design (JAD) session. Yet, extending the prototype with a few stencil handlers which use popular technologies like SOAP, REST, Hibernate and etc. might be worth while. This would provide users of the servlet or custom tags with a template for development which they could utilize. Our primary focus over the coming weeks will be the servlet. Any custom tags will follow.

Based upon the "simple development plan" given in November, this week we should be adding the contracts which we have already completed. We did delay the use of a SAX reader, and we likely will continue delaying it since we decided that it would involve the using the custom CABOOSE "tile" element. A excellent use of our efforts this week would be insuring that the code has quality comments and content, is algorithmically efficient, and is highly readable. We should also spend some time investigating the use of other "friendly" technologies. This would also be a reasonable time for creating some test-cases since we are still working on requirements elicitation.

Enjoy the best week possible. La-La.

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