Sunday, September 30, 2018

First Step for a Business Machine with an International Reach | OPEN-VM

Team. The author is working on another short text that discusses how one might produce any computer program starting from "Hello, World!" and evolving. A small-snippet from the background chapter can be found here.

Hunt. Peck. Think.. and enjoy this season of life...

Friday, August 31, 2018


Team. A controller, for the most part, processes inbound request for views of an internal data model. The "inbound request" can be seen as issued commands. As such, a controller and command-processor are very similar in construction. And, at the lowest level a computer simply processes a stream of imperatives, a.k.a commands. So, a virtual machine, the software equivalent of a hard-wired system unit simply is a mechanism for interpreting and handling such sequences of computing instructions.

The original vision behind an OPEN-VM was that it would "open-up" a platform's high-level language's application programming interface for use by a set of common cross-platform imperatives, that are universal for all of the platforms on which the OPEN-VM is written.

The commands that one might find in the OPEN-VM language set come in three categories: basic (primitive), flow of control, and grouping.

The basic ( foundational and universal ) commands would be: assign, behave, construct, and destruct.

The flow of control commands would be: if-then-else, switch-case-default, while-do, repeat-until, and for. 

The above includes branching, pretest and post-test sentinel controlled loops, plus counter-controlled iteration ( a.k.a looping ).

Finally, the grouping commands would allow for combining program parts forming concern structures, such as methods, data-blocks, objects, and etc.

These three classes of command would allow for the "structured-use" of the concerns found in a platform's programming interface.

This would be one style of universality available, that could evolve as language platforms and methods of concern partitioning matured.

It, the OPEN-VM, was implementable within the scope of structured C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and old Pascal. Yet, it would have likely not been as effective or impactful as JAVA will be, is, and has been.

Enjoy your Labor Day...Hunt...Peck...and...Think...It makes for a brighter day!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Pick-Up | What's Next

Team. We might pick up on the other related projects on this web-history or start some new streams.

Our next project might be the original vision for an open-vm on the JAVA platform, whose label might confuse you. It baffled those who took up the project at Oracle. It is not so much an "open-source" project. It is more so and opening of a platform's application programming interface (API), its packages and libraries, for use by a simple, yet expressive, set of imperatives. This "universal-set" of imperatives would also be applicable on other platform for which an open-vm has been developed.
An open-vm is this, an interpretive architecture that accepts commands such a construct, behave, assign, those for control flow, and etc. plus uses dynamic invocation for accessing the actions available in an API. The CABOOSE product is near what we need for doing such. Remember the Number Theory of Computing. The "number" the describes CABOOSE is near that for an open-vm in JAVA. The development project will start with a "Hello, OPEN-VM" program, once again and evolve. The final product hopefully will be another DIY-Text on the construction of the open-vm pattern.

Enjoy Your Weekend...Keep Coding...Hunt...Peck...Think....

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

CABOOSE in JAVA by Abraham Vati James [penname]

Team. A do-it-yourself CABOOSE text is available on Amazon. It is a synopsis of the content in this web history, plus a few extra modules. It can be purchased here for 10.00 (US$).

This has been a fun project, in the midst of life's ups and downs. We will be working on some more related projects soon.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Couple of Birds | One Stone - Epilogue

Team. The primary goal of this web history was outlining and starting an open-source project for a general-purpose controller architecture that could serve as a servlet, web-script, or common gateway process for rapid web application development, when using a type-II model-view-controller architecture. This was done after contacting Oracle's Project Management Office, as part of the JAVA Community Process (JCP), about getting mentorship as a specification lead on JAVA Specification Request (JSR) for such a product. The potential for such a component was discussed at JCP executive committee meeting in early 2014 and the feedback given was that JAVA Server Pages and JAVA Server Faces existed for simplifying servlet construction and this product was not immediately necessary. Yet, Ben Evan, a well-known JAVA champion, suggested that the author of this weblog try starting an open-source project, if it gets a following, Oracle might incorporate a general-purpose servlet in its offerings. In the meantime, they polled the developer community and started an MVC framework offering called Ozark, which has a locomotive engine for its logo.

With concerns about making a quality "well-exercised" JAVA archive for delivery with personal time constraints and realizing that many software developers, including neophytes, are not aware of their potential for developing "impactful" products, the author decided that he would collect some of the more meaning exerts from the history, edit them, and compile a CABOOSE do-it-yourself (DIY) text. This delivers the software, in a form that is as reliable and robust as the reader of the text implements it, plus the promised textbook. The book mentions Ozark, but does not include any of the passages from this web history that provide and example of integrating a CABOOSE-controller with it. 

The textbook much like the weblog, starts with a "Hello-type" sample program, and evolves it until in eight steps until we have a general-purpose web-controller in the form of an JAVA Enterprise Edition http-servlet.

The work is in the process of publishing and should be available on Amazon by August 15, 2018, written under the pen-name Abraham Vati James. If one reads the "appendix", An Unspoken, Unknown, and Uncommon History, one might discern why this name was chosen, with Abraham recorded as the father of nations, "Vati" translating as "father" and "equity" in a pair of Indo-European tongues, and "James Gosling", known as the originator of the first JAVA virtual machine.
The "appendix" might be discounted as "hogwash","poppycock", and "taradiddle", but read it carefully. The goal of it is not jumping any claims, patents or copyrights; it is first a thank you for "I AM THAT I AM" and His rich Mercy and Goodness that has followed the author through many difficult situations, second the fond thanks for the inspiration for producing a sketch of a few "award-winning" idea generated by the author's JAVA muse, a high-school sweet whose favorite movie line and gender neutral name produce the caricature Duke (of Earl), which is his title, and his little known first name, and finally, it is the an expression of the well-known fact, "truth is stranger than fiction".

The text can likely be found on Amazon, in a few days, with a search for "Abraham Vati James", which is a rather unique name. It cost less than most professional engineers spend of lunch at their favorite sandwich shop. It might be work a read.

This web history might be reaching an end of it journey; with a new adventure waiting around the bend where we can pick-up and focus on some of the concepts mentioned briefly herein and not included in the CABOOSE in JAVA by Abraham Vati James text.

Potential Future Goals:

  • We still must flesh out CABOOSE in the open-sourced LAMP and the proprietary Microsoft .NET CLI languages.
  • We must get a grasp on the Distinct Number Algorithm (DNA) Storage and the (CODECO) Compression and Decompression.
  • We have some key work that we must do on the Open VM.
  • We still must produce the "boostin" Houston Server as promised, which is a node-based kernel for grid processing, likely more practical and effective than HADOOP has been or will be. 
  • We must draft a system artifact trace-ability plan that was part of our early efforts with CABOOSE.
  • Also, we must examine how this procedure described early in this web history called the Miller-Kovarik Secondary Method might improve solutions for optimization problems in electronic computing and mathematics. This includes areas such as operations research and artificial intelligence.
  • We must draft a practical, extensible crestomathy, rosetta stone index for modern computing, based upon its primitive operations such as writing on standard output and standard error, reading on standard input, file, database, and networking operations, plus many of the elementary data transformation that can occur in a program, when modeled, in terms of Ps and Qs, pre-conditions and post-conditions, plus Ts, transformation-filters.
  • And, much, much, more... 
The author will point you in the direction of any new weblog work when it arises....

Hunt...Peck...Think....Keep an Eye Out for Flying Rocks....Do Worry....Be Happy....

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

On Steep Compression.

Team. We have spoken in the past on this "CABOOSE plus computing idea" weblog about a simple data compression and decompression methodology called DNA ( Distinct Number Algorithm ) Storage. A letter was written the NSF strongly suggesting that they stop wasting money on researching storage techniques using deoxyribonucleic acid and adopt this simpler approach.

While driving this day, a more practical notion of annotating a file with stop symbols for decompression occurred. The file itself is a maker with unique patterns in it. One might take samples of a given size from random parts of a file.

If one had a megabyte that he were compressing, he could sample sixty-four eight byte span and store them. This would be half a kilobyte of information for uniquely identifying the decompressed image. If the compressed image, plus any metadata composed another half kilobyte, the final descriptor for the megabyte would consume a kilobyte.

If this megabyte were the fortieth one in a gigabyte, the kilobyte descriptor would be the fortieth in a compressed description of the gigabyte. Whose final size would be a megabyte. Then, this megabyte, an image of a gigabyte, could be made a kilobyte. The process becomes recursive. So, a reasonable challenge problem for a college computing class would be producing an algorithm, based on the intuition of DNA Storage, that placed a megabyte in a kilobyte. One would imagine that the "top-notch" engineers at Google could draft such a routine in an afternoon.

Weeks from the Presses. CABOOSE is here.

Team. Life became hectic last summer (2017) around this time 07.27.2017. Unhappy with management at Team Software's sister company, a resignation letter was given at this position, the primary one, and a secondary position was placed in a permanent state of limbo on the same day. Living life on financial roller-skates, instead of thick heels, that Maslow's triangle slowly eroded. Employment was found again this Spring and work on CABOOSE resumed. It has evolved. The prototype source and the JAVA archive will remain on-line. Those will be collected and placed in one convenient place. And, a link for a DIY CABOOSE text based on a synopsis of this web-history will be placed on-line. The goal is by mid-August, if work allows. It has been five plus twelve hours days each week.

Also, please forgive the web entry Apologetics Mine. It along with others has been permanently scrubbed. Some rather troubling experiences occurred at VUMC in September 1988, a potential cover for the death of a student-athlete in 1987 plus a medical assault. Plus, the way in which modern medicine has handled the situation is reprehensible. Although Earth, Wind, and Fire's song September is soul-stirring. It is a time of subconscious tension. It shall not be mentioned again in this web history.

Oh, by the way a confusion does marvels for erasing the memory. The pass-codes for this weblog were forgotten. It was unlocked after finding a single item, by chance, that held a security code for a web-host with a recovery e-mail. The point is, take is slowly at work and keep confusion at a minimum. It is costly for everyone.