Monday, May 22, 2017

Notes on a Ceasar Cipher for a New Rome

Team. Knowing that this weblog has an international audience, we thought that we would poke a little fun at the segment of our country who has taken credit for putting the current American President, Donald Trump in office. And, mostly likely we will hear about it. The author grew up in the midst of them like Bro. Harvey the Rabbit in a den of snakes. On one memorable afternoon, he spied a propaganda troupe walking in the neighborhood tossing out pamphlets which had bean bags attached. One young female in the group said "Look at that monkey!" The adult among them said, "He does not know that he is a monkey." The female replied, "Shouldn't someone tell him!" They all had a great laugh and looked upon me with derision. They say one should not argue with people in America, because they will put you in your place. This history has shown. So, the author felt that it was best that he use the following caricature for the New Emperor of Shifting Ciphers.

Look! At whom might one laugh...If ya can't crack one on ya self!

This is almost as classic as when some crazy wooley-headed child bum-rushed the stage at the 77 Shrine Circus in town and took over the show with his little blue car. It was truly a hypnotizing performance. Was that Lil' Ceasar....

Ok! Enough with the very inside jokes. But, you might notice something if you set-up a Black Ceasar Cipher for yourself. If the resulted remnant is say, 73. What was the actual message used for the clear text? Depends on the key you say? Is not that the deciphering algorithm? Well how many clear text messages can be produced from 73? Think quickly! So, how does one know what the original intended message was unless one has exchanged a "reliable" algorithmic key through another channel. Can one trust that the key which he received will produce truth or does it lie. Can one trust the other parties in his network. (Psalm 146:3-10) So, as the author's Theory of Computation professor said, "Can't prove anything!" And, that settles it.... Bananas anyone?

Forgive the Informalities and Pagentry of Waving Palms ....
(Is Not It Shameful When Royalty Gesticulates In Public)

By Royal Decree...

Enjoy Your Week...Hunt, Peck, and Think...

The Pontificating Pontiff of the Plantain Party... Buh-Bye, Now.. Buh-Bye...

Friday, May 5, 2017

Ouick Lesson: Structured Programming, Objects, Aspects, and Other Methods of Concern Partitioning

Team. Since, the days when object-orientation became relatively widespread. Most have been of the mind-set which believes that object-oriented and structured programming are completely different approaches with the former being superior over the latter. On the contrary, they serve the same purpose, providing language features which allow for a better partitioning and organization of problem concerns. In other words, they both promote modularity. It so happens, that the use of objects provides a greater level of structuring and simplifies development.

Of course, the newest popular form of structuring which augments objects, aspect-orientation, increases the degree of modularity which one might impose upon a problem solution. The seminal papers written on aspects are shrouded in topological concepts and proofs which might deter many readers from adopting this approach. Simply because, they believe that they cannot understand the it. In its most basic form, an aspect is a set of common tasks found at the beginning or end of a number of methods within a system. These can all be extracted out and placed in a single place for better organized program maintenance.

Spend sometime pondering concerns and structure. You might find another novel niche where one can impose an elementary and widely applicable concern structure. Much work remains in computing and software engineering before these fields become stable. They are both relatively new with the advent of the modern computer being less than a century ago.

In short, structure is desirable whether it is called a module, object, aspect, or a rose (and a rational one at that).

Enjoy Your Upcoming Week of Study, Work, and Play... Hunt, Peck, Think....