Saturday, July 2, 2016

Light Bulbs Which Do Not Burn Out

Team. This is another CABOOSE side note. It is somewhat philosophical. When younger, a rumor was floating around that some wooly-headed fellow created a light-buld whose filament had a MTTF in excess of a century. MTTF is an engineering term which simply means that on average a device will last longer than a certain amount of time. I believe this fellow's name was Latimore. The following hyperlink shares a little about him and other such characters.

I would hate coloring your perception of him, but it seems he was much brighter than one should be for his time and circumstances. It had been said that Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor for whom many an elementary school is named, decided that a light-bulb which lasts that long would be unprofitable. But, consider the cost savings in natural materials such as tungsten ore and sand which we might have saved this world community if such bulbs lasted longer. Not mentioning all of the petroleum spent in mining and transportation. Of course, fewer jobs in the lighting industry would have been created, and such an invention at this juncture in time would be disruptive likely causing numerous economic ripples. As bright and prolific as Edison was, he certainly could have filled this void with numerous other inventions. He was most probably tired of running like a hamster on a wheel generating ideas dreaming of a goose which would lay millions of golden glowing eggs.

With this said, much of this world's population claims that they follow a faith tradition stemming from the Book of Beginnings or Genesis. Is not one of the early teachings in this work stewardship? Ah so, koennen wir dass buchstabieren? S T E W A R D S H I P. Let us not miss the boat on this one! Plus, greed is one of the seven deadly sins. Would not a little of green thinking in the 1800s definitely had changed the course of history! But, it is not easy being green! Also, if hair color can change so can mindsets. So, time remains for improvement. But, is not it ever so sad when someone charged with tending something starts thinking that they own it. Here is a question for the old class...The earth is Whose and the fullness thereof?  We all must do better. A short pop quiz will be given later on. So, please be prepared. Your entire grade depends on it. Also, do not forget your portfolios. What is in a portfolio... you ask?  Here is a hint..."Would a portfolio by any other name be as neat?"

Hunt. Peck. Think... The CABOOSE Team.